On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 10:12:30 PDT, Cory Crawford said:
What's interesting is how many jackasses are out there defending these guys
What's interesting is people who can't identify the difference between
"defending" and "understanding". And if you paid attention, I never said we
don't do Bad Things ourselves - "they're not that different than us" cuts
*both* ways.....
To make it on-topic - if you're trying to do security, you have to *understand*
your opponent. You don't have to defend a black-hat's mindset - but you're
pretty well screwed trying to stop a black hat if you don't have at least a
clue of what the black hat's motivations are.
Similarly, if you base your defences against suicide bombers on the theory that
they're all poor, uneducated, and suicidal, you won't do a very good job in
stopping the majority of them that are intelligent and well-educated and
to reclaim their country.
Remember the "Afghani freedom fighters" that we funded to get the Soviets out
of Afghanistan? Yep.. that's where al Quada came from. And it's foolish on
our part to call them "freedom fighters" when they're trying to throw *our*
enemy (the Soviets) out of *their* country, and then be upset when they're
trying to throw *us* out of *their* country... Failure on our part to
understand that - in the terrorist's view - they're just as morally justified
as the French Resistance was during World War II, and for the same reasons
(removing morally reprehensible invaders from your own country), merely
guarantees that we can't "win" that war..
Where's the outrage of the slavery and rape being condone by governments in
Africa, India, and other countries? You should really try thinking on your own
and doing research in more places than your political wacko websites and movies
by insane conspiracy theorists.
You're making the extremely dubious assumption that just because the outrage
isn't on this list, that it doesn't exist. Remember, the "designated protest
is several blocks over, where nobody can see it... :)
The news regarding the military history of the recently surrendered terrorist
and the loss of GW Bush's military records were both carried on CNN and other
major news services. I *will* however admit that pointing out the
juxtaposition of the two was due to that "political wacko conspiracy theorist"
Jay Leno...
Your ignorance and hate of yourselves and human beings in general is worse
than stupid. It's pitful.
What's *really* pitiful is your typing that in response to my posting, which
was attempting to dispel ignorance.....
One day you will learn this and it'll be likely that this lesson will be
learned as those whom you praise are blowing your stupid butts to oblivion.
It's far more likely that my butt will be blown to oblivion due to my
failure to
*understand* my opponent, than due to my non-existent attempt to praise them.
And that's why I make an attempt to *understand* the adversary...