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[Full-Disclosure] Re: Full-Disclosure digest, Vol 1 #1747 - 32 msgs
- To: full-disclosure-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [Full-Disclosure] Re: Full-Disclosure digest, Vol 1 #1747 - 32 msgs
- From: philipp.freiberger@xxxxxxxxx
- Date: 05 Jul 2004 15:33:05 UT
und mir fällt dazu auch nur google ein...
sorry... aber sobald es an "bunte" sachen geht hab ich kein plan mehr...
mfg Philipp
ps: ich hab mich am So. den ganzen tag mit meinem X geprügelt damit es das
macht was es soll - da kommt man sich vor als hätte man noch nie Linux
gesehen... :)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Full-Disclosure digest, Vol 1 #1747 - 32 msgs (05-Jul-2004 16:48)
From: full-disclosure-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: philipp.freiberger@xxxxxxxxx
> Send Full-Disclosure mailing list submissions to
> full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://lists.netsys.com/mailman/listinfo/full-disclosure
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> full-disclosure-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> full-disclosure-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Full-Disclosure digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Public Review of OIS Security Vulnerability
> Reporting and Response Guidelines (dave)
> 2. Re:Bugtraq Security Systems (bitlance winter)
> 3. RE: The "Drew Copley is a prick" Poll update
> [Time to Grow Up] (Mortis)
> 4. Gmail Information Disclosure Vulnerability (amforward@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
> 5. Re: Public Review of OIS Security Vulnerability Reporting and
> ResponseGuidelines (Fred Mobach)
> 6. [ GLSA 200407-03 ] Apache 2: Remote denial of service attack (Thierry
> Carrez)
> 7. [ GLSA 200407-04 ] Pure-FTPd: Potential DoS when maximum connections
> is reached (Thierry Carrez)
> 8. Re: Web sites compromised by IIS attack (Jason Coombs)
> 9. Re: Gmail Information Disclosure Vulnerability (System Outage)
> 10. Re: Re:Bugtraq Security Systems (System Outage)
> 11. Re:Bugtraq Security Systems (Boggles)
> 12. RE: IE Web Browser: "Sitting Duck" (joe)
> 13. Re: Gmail Information Disclosure Vulnerability (D.J. Capelis)
> 14. RE: [Dailydave] Re: [Full-Disclosure] Public Review of OIS Security
> Vulnerability Reporting and Response Guidelines (Steve W. Manzuik)
> 15. Re: Gmail Information Disclosure Vulnerability (amforward@mailsurf.
> com)
> 16. Re: Gmail Information Disclosure Vulnerability (Rudolf Polzer)
> 17. XSS in 12Planet Chat Server 2.9 (Donato Ferrante)
> 18. Re: HP urges users to erase Netscape to avoid security
> problems (Szilveszter Adam)
> 19. Huge amounts of Citipank phishing spam seen this weekend. (Feher
> Tamas)
> 20. CYBSEC - Security Advisory: Denial of Service in IBM WebSphere
> Edge Server (Leandro Meiners)
> 21. Unreal ircd 3.2 clocking subsystem vulnerability (bartavelle)
> PLEASE BE ATTENTIVE !!! (Thomas Binder)
> 23. Re: Public Review of OIS Security Vulnerability Reporting and
> Response Guidelines (Georgi Guninski)
> 24. Re: Huge amounts of Citipank phishing spam seen this weekend. (Duncan
> Hill)
> 25. Re: Gmail Information Disclosure Vulnerability (System Outage)
> 26. RE: Gmail Information Disclosure Vulnerability (Mark Laurence)
> --__--__--
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 04 Jul 2004 13:18:35 -0400
> From: dave <dave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: OIS <announcements@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> CC: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, NTBUGTRAQ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
> full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Public Review of OIS Security Vulnerability
> Reporting and Response Guidelines
> Nobody trusts the OIS or its motives. I imagine this is similar to the
> feedback you've gotten from everyone else as well, but Immunity has no
> plans to subscribe to your guidelines, and is going to oppose any
> efforts you make to legislate those guidelines as law. In section 1.1
> the draft proposes that the purpose of the OIS's model is to protect
> systems from vulnerabilities. This is fairly obviously untrue - the
> purpose of the OIS is to lobby towards a business model for Microsoft
> and the other OIS members that involves the removal of non-compliant
> security researchers.
> This call for feedback is a thinly disguised attempt to get public
> legitimacy and allow the OIS to claim it has community backing, which it
> clearly does not.
> It's rare, but there are still security companies and individuals who do
> not owe their entire business to money from Microsoft. It's July 4th.
> and some of us are Americans who understand the concept of independance.
> Dave Aitel
> Immunity, Inc.
> OIS wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > The Organization for Internet Safety (OIS) extends an invitation to
> > the readers of the BugTraq, NTBugtraq, and Full-Disclosure mailing
> > lists to participate in the ongoing public review of the OIS Security
> > Vulnerability Reporting and Response Guidelines.
> > The OIS reviews the Guidelines annually to ensure that they remain
> > useful and relevant to the security community and, most importantly,
> > to the millions of computer users who are the ultimate beneficiaries
> > of effective computer security practices. Over the past year, OIS
> > has received feedback from many adopters of the Guidelines as well as
> > from several public-private partnerships, and have incorporated much
> > of this feedback into an interim version that is available at
> > http://www.oisafety.org/review/draft-1.5.pdf. We recommend reviewing
> > the interim version, but reviewers are welcome to provide feedback on
> > the original version at http://www.oisafety.org/reference/process.pdf
> > if they would like.
> >
> > For more information on the public review, please visit
> > http://www.oisafety.org/review-1.5.html. The closing date for the
> > review has been extended until 16 July 2004. We look forward to your
> > feedback.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > The Organization for Internet Safety
> > www.oisafety.org
> >
> > Version: PGP 8.0.3
> >
> > iQA/AwUBQOWQgbF9hclyvjnOEQIhmACfYlaHX2NnJbHUCaCYfMHO4tkGDh0AoMzz
> > =4mT/
> > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> > Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html
> --__--__--
> Message: 2
> From: "bitlance winter" <bitlance_3@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Sun, 04 Jul 2004 17:36:50 +0000
> Subject: [Full-Disclosure] Re:Bugtraq Security Systems
> Who are YOU,Bugtraq Security Systems?
> Are YOU foo,bar.foobar?
> ;)
> YOU say LOVE,OK.
> [blockquote]
> "With burning brain and heart of hate,
> I sought my wronger, early, late,
> And all the wretched night and day
> My dream and thought was slay, and slay.
> My better self rose uppermost,
> The beast within my bosom lost
> Itself in love; peace from afar
> Shone o'er me radiant like a star.
> I Slew my wronger with a deed,
> A deed of love; I made him bleed
> With kindness, and I filled for years
> His soul with tenderness and tears."
> Let those who aim at the right life, who believe that they love Truth,
> cease
> to passionately oppose themselves to others, and let them strive to calmly
> and wisely understand them, and in thus acting toward others they will be
> conquering themselves; and while sympathizing with others, their own souls
> will be fed with the heavenly dews of kindness, and their hearts be
> strengthened and refreshed in the Pleasant Pastures of Peace.
> [/blockauote]
> Best Regards.
> --
> bitlance winter.
> _________________________________________________________________
> Is your PC infected? Get a FREE online computer virus scan from McAfeer
> Security. http://clinic.mcafee.com/clinic/ibuy/campaign.asp?cid=3963
> --__--__--
> Message: 3
> Date: Sun, 04 Jul 2004 14:17:07 -0400
> To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> From: Mortis <m0rtis@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: RE: [Full-Disclosure] The "Drew Copley is a prick" Poll update
> [Time to Grow Up]
> I told you that would be more fun than fishing with dynamite.
> Plenty of fresh worms for a hungry turkey.
> Sort your mail box and go to town.
> --
> Libel-libel,
> Dan eel
> http://full-disclosure.50megs.com/
> --__--__--
> Message: 4
> Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2004 19:10:44 +0000
> From: amforward@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Full-Disclosure] Gmail Information Disclosure Vulnerability
> This message is in MIME format.
> ---MOQ1088968244aa66ff8657f08d3292ceb7b3ae771de7
> Brief
> --------------
> While I was playing with Gmail, I found a bug that may disclose
> information about the users currently attempting to register a new
> Gmail account. This seems to be a vulnerability with low severity (at
> least until now).
> CheckAvailability Script
> --------------
> In the registration page, the "Check Availability" button queries a
> certain script, namely /accounts/CheckAvailability. The script takes
> the desired username, and checks if it is available. If it is not
> available, it suggests other usernames by contactenating, for example,
> your last name to it.
> The Problem
> --------------
> There seems to be a thread-safety problem with CheckAvailability
> script. When the script is under heavy stress, it may return answers
> to queries that are not yours, revealing others' desired usernames,
> and first and last names.(see attached screen shot)
> Reproduction
> --------------
> To reproduce it, you should:
> a. Have a valid Gmail invitation
> b. Frequently Invoke CheckAvailability by
> ~ OR
> ~ 1. Creating a tool that automates the script invocation.
> ~ 2. Having the patience and keep clicking the button frequently (this
> works too!).
> I have not yet carefully studied the script, but I think it might not
> be a problem with this script only, but others as well. Your thoughts
> are appreciated.
> Regards,
> Ahmed Motaz
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Mailsurf.com your communication portal for SMS,
> Email, Fax, E-Cards and more. www.mailsurf.com
> ---MOQ1088968244aa66ff8657f08d3292ceb7b3ae771de7
> Gmail service is in Beta. You have no credibility posting this advisory. =
> The correct channel to post such "bugs" is the Gmail contact link for "bu=
> g reports".=20
> =20
> If you weren't a script kiddie or scene whore, you would have known to ho=
> ld information until such a time that Gmail became a public service.
> =20
> Then and only then would anyone take this advisory seriously!
> =20
> You obviously have no understanding of the "Beta" state of a development.=
> The fact that a team of developers are in the state of "Beta" means that=
> the developers are fully aware the service may not be entirely secure an=
> d they wish feedback via Google's own beta "bug report" channels.
> =20
> All in all, this is a "beta bug report" and nothing else. If you had wai=
> ted until the Gmail dev team declared gmail a public release, you would h=
> ave gained more respect in the security community scene.
> =20
> Cheerio
> =20
> =20
> =09
> ---------------------------------
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers!
> --0-509345037-1088977213=3D:9720
> A name like "Bugtraq Security Systems" Sounds like a typical name a scrip=
> t kiddie group or scene whore group would use to try and gain an easy nam=
> e within the scene.
> They (Bugtraq Security Systems) obviously thought... Hey.. "if we whore =
> a high profile name and make our website look professional, people will b=
> uy it and think we're elite".=20
> Lol, if you had any cred in the security community scene, you just lost i=
> t by mentioning the key words "Defcon" and "Drew Copley is a prick" refer=
> ences.
> All you are making yourself out to be is a jealous scene whore who wishes=
> they had the 0-day exclusives that Eyee Security obtain and you wish you=
> were as good as they are.=20
> You have no right to come on a high profile security mailing list with su=
> ch childish remarks towards a highly respected Security Group as Eyee. Go=
> find some "elite" zero day and come back when you manage to gain as much=
> respect as Eyee Security has within the security community scene.
> Cheerio
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around=20
> http://mail.yahoo.com=20
> --0-281874980-1088978667=3D:60119
> The following advisory is also available in pdf for download at
> http://www.cybsec.com/vuln/IBM-WebSphere-Edge-Server-DOS.pdf
> www.cybsec.com
> Advisory Name: Denial of Service in WebSphere Edge Server.
> Vulnerability Class: Denial of Service
> Release Date: June 2nd 2004
> Affected Applications: =20
> * WebSphere Edge Components Caching Proxy 5.02 using
> JunctionRewrite with UseCookiedirective.=20
> Not Affected Applications:=20
> * WebSphere Edge Components Caching Proxy 5.02 NOT using
> JunctionRewrite with UseCookie directive. =20
> * WebSphere Edge Components Caching Proxy 5.00
> Affected Platforms:=20
> * SUSE SLES 8=20
> * SUSE SLES 8 Service Pack 1=20
> * SUSE SLES 8 Service Pack 3=20
> * SUSE SLES 8 Service Pack 3=20
> * Apparently all platforms running WebSphere Edge Server
> Local / Remote: Remote
> Severity: High
> Author: Leandro Meiners.
> Vendor Status:=20
> * Fix included in WebSphere Application Server 5.0.3 (to be
> released)=20
> * Patch available from IBM for clients with Support Level 2 or 3
> Reference to Vulnerability Disclosure Policy:=20
> http://www.cybsec.com/vulnerability_policy.pdf
> Overview:
> WebSphere Edge Component Caching Proxy, part of WebSphere Application
> Sever, is a reverse proxy designed to reduce bandwidth use and improve a
> Web site's speed and reliability by providing a point-of-presence node
> for one or more back-end content servers. It is built to work with
> content provided by one or more backend WebSphere Application Servers.
> Vulnerability Description:
> The vulnerability discovered allows a remote attacker to generate a
> denial of service condition against the WebSphere Edge Component Caching
> Proxy.=20
> If the reverse proxy is configured with the JunctionRewrite directive
> being active, a remote attacker can trivially cause a denial of service
> by executing the GET HTTP method without parameters.
> Exploit:
> $ echo =B4GET=A1 | nc <victim_host_ip> <proxy_port>
> Solutions:
> If JunctionRewrite is unnecessary, disabling it will suffice to prevent
> the Denial of Service. Also if the option UseCookie in the
> JunctionRewrite directive is unnecessary disabling it will suffice to
> prevent the Denial of Service.
> Vendor Response:
> IBM opened a case regarding the vulnerability and provided a patch
> within 2 weeks of the initial contact.
> Contact Information:
> For more information regarding the vulnerability feel free to contact
> the author at lmeiners@xxxxxxxxxxx
> For more information regarding CYBSEC: www.cybsec.com
> ----------------------------
> Leandro Meiners
> CYBSEC S.A. Security Systems
> E-mail: lmeiners@xxxxxxxxxx
> Tel/Fax: [54-11] 4382-1600
> Web: http://www.cybsec.com
> --=-KxxekzTaBeyTiwzQ+aFI
> If it's not about respect then what is it about?=20
> =20
> You have no respect for the Gmail Team, that's for sure.
> =20
> I guess this list isn't about respect...
> =20
> It's about kiddies posting advisories and exploits for fun and little car=
> e for the vendor(s).
> =20
> =20
> Cheerio
> =20
> amforward@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> System Outage wrote:
> |The correct channel to post such "bugs" is the Gmail contact link for "b=
> ug=20
> |reports".=20
> I have already contacted Gmail about 10 days ago, but I have not received=
> any=20
> replies till this moment.
> |If you had waited until the Gmail dev team declared gmail a public relea=
> se,=20
> |you would have gained more respect in the security community scene.
> I don't think this is about respect afterall.
> Regards,
> Ahmed Motaz
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Mailsurf.com your communication portal for SMS,
> Email, Fax, E-Cards and more. www.mailsurf.com
> _______________________________________________
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html
> =09
> ---------------------------------
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses.
> --0-223874168-1089035202=3D:27338
> "You have no respect for the Gmail Team, that's for sure."
> Why would he? Respect is earned not given for free.
> =20
> "It's about kiddies posting advisories and exploits for fun and little ca=
> re
> for the vendor(s)."
> No the reason they are generally supposed to be posted AFAIK is so that t=
> he
> secuirty concious user is aware and can take steps to prevent them from
> being exploited. Granted reasonable steps should be taken to contact the
> vendor, if they dont respond then what can one do?
> =20
> Thanks
> Mark
> =20
> _____ =20
> From: full-disclosure-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:full-disclosure-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of System Outag=
> e
> Sent: 05 July 2004 14:47
> To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Gmail Information Disclosure Vulnerability
> If it's not about respect then what is it about?=20
> =20
> =20
> =20
> I guess this list isn't about respect...
> =20
> It's about kiddies posting advisories and exploits for fun and little car=
> e
> for the vendor(s).
> =20
> =20
> Cheerio
> =20
> amforward@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> System Outage wrote:
> |The correct channel to post such "bugs" is the Gmail contact link for "b=
> ug=20
> |reports".=20
> I have already contacted Gmail about 10 days ago, but I have not received
> any=20
> replies till this moment.
> |If you had waited until the Gmail dev team declared gmail a public relea=
> se,
> |you would have gained more respect in the security community scene.
> I don't think this is about respect afterall.
> Regards,
> Ahmed Motaz
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Mailsurf.com your communication portal for SMS,
> Email, Fax, E-Cards and more. www.mailsurf.com
> _______________________________________________
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html
> _____ =20
> Do you Yahoo!?
> "http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail_us/taglines/virus/*http://promotions.yahoo.c=
> om/
> new_mail/static/protection.html"Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nast=
> y
> viruses.
> ---
> Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.656 / Virus Database: 421 - Release Date: 09/04/2004
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.656 / Virus Database: 421 - Release Date: 09/04/2004
> =20
> ------=3D_NextPart_000_021E_01C462A2.A05CB230
To: full-disclosure-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html