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Re: [Full-Disclosure] SSH vs. TLS

* Ng, Kenneth (US) <kenng@xxxxxxxx> (Tue, Jun 29, 2004 at 12:30:12PM -0500)
> Today this is a straw man arguement.  You can tunnel practically anything
> over any protocol.  I've seen NFS tunneled over EMAIL.  Yes, when you type
> "ls" the NFS request packet gets UUENCODED into an email, sent over
> sendmail, fed into a decoder and routed back into NFS, and then back.  A few
> seconds later and you get a directory listing.  And frankly, I'm not sure
> you want to know what besides http really goes over port 80.

In fact, it's quite easy to tunnel ssh through your http(s) proxy 
(do a google on proxytunnel) and it's most liekly that you can tunnel ssh
over a TLS telnet session, thiogh someone might have to be convinced that
writign such a thing is necesary ;) )

> : original poster:
>> - SSH allows tunneling other protocols, circumventing firewall policies.

        Gerhard,  (faliquid@xxxxxxxxx)   == The Acoustic Motorbiker ==  
   __0  Oh my God, the bomb has just dropped
 =`\<,  And everybody climbed right on top
(=)/(=) Singing,"What a beautifull country

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