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RE: [Full-Disclosure] What Your Empty Wallet Says About You

>I certainly didn't think I would need to apply data destruction to a worn-out 
>container (an interesting
>thought exercise in itself -- I don't want to burn it and choke on fumes, and 
>I don't think the office
>shredder will cope...).

I guess you're not a VB programmer then, or you'd know that after you've 
finished with an object you always set it to nothing to destroy it's container 
object... ;>

I know, facile, but somebody had to say it.

Seriously, this is another wonderful example of "side leak" where data gets out 
in ways you wouldn't have thought of. Like when you get a new pin, and it's 
been printed on a piece of paper inside one of those print through envelopes. 
They always warn you to destroy the piece of paper with the pin on it, but if 
you look closely at the inside of the envelope your pin is fairly legible.

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