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[Full-Disclosure] Re: USB risks (continued)

Many USB keys have hardware switches to make them read only.  With Windows
2000 or Windows XP, no special drivers are required to read USB keys.

Autorun works on removable USB CD drives.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "RSnake" <rsnake@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Gadi Evron" <ge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Harlan Carvey" <keydet89@xxxxxxxxx>;
<full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: USB risks (continued)

> Autorun doesn't work with USB keyfobs.  Actually, it is my
> understanding that it doesn't work on any media that is deemed writable
> removable.  The distinction between USB devices and CDs is that the media
> writeable, but the drives aren't removeable on CDs.  That of course isn't
> if you have a USB drive, but I think part of the deal there is that you
need to
> install special drivers to even read USB CD drives.  That's kinda a weird
> distinction, but I researched it quite a bit earlier this year and that's
> how they define it.  With the advent of bootable USB devices, and more USB
> support, you can pretty much bet things will change, but for right now,
> isn't an issue.

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