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RE: [Full-Disclosure] Spam Solution
- To: "'Gadi Evron'" <ge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Alavan <alavan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [Full-Disclosure] Spam Solution
- From: "Ng, Kenneth (US)" <kenng@xxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 09:41:30 -0500
There isn't going to be any one solution that solves the spam problem. And
even if there were, it would be years before we got the bulk of the email
systems to handle it. And along the way you know some of the vendors will
do their usual "embrace extend exterminate" dirty tricks to put others at a
disadvantage. And when sites start using only the new infrastructure there
will be pain. But by every means we deny to the spamers, that leaves one
less avenue open to them, and forces them to spend resources to find new
means. The better ones will adapt, the slower ones will go extinct. Think
of it as evolution in action. Yes, its sick, but we're going to be breeding
better spammers.
-----Original Message-----
From: full-disclosure-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:full-disclosure-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Gadi Evron
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 6:38 AM
To: Alavan
Cc: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Spam Solution
> Also, if spammers can't forge, so what? They'll just grab the domain
> name from the PC they've hijacked and send away or go back to using the
> e-mail client on the machine. Once the spammers change their methodology
> (which they do all the time to counter anti-spam efforts), these
> measures will have little to no effect.
I believe this is the main issue here.
Spammers already have and use the technology to circumvent all this, so
they don't even need to invent new tricks.
As long as there are drone armies and unsuspecting "stupid" users, these
kind of solutions, although interesting and helpful, are useless to stop
actual spam.
Another issue is that non of the people I talked this over with see how
this can work unless globally adopted by everyone. An adoption of this
system over a few years simply won't work. It needs to be over-night and
that's not going to happen.
Gadi Evron.
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