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Re: [Full-Disclosure] MASS spam emails from .tw and . BL domains

hmmm... sounds like spammers rerouting in response to comcast blocking
port 25 on a large number of subscribers.  that (i.e., comcast's
actions) _did_ have a significant effect on the amount of spam being
sent out.

and as expected, it's effects were short term... if only more service
providers would put a little more effort into securing / monitoring
their own customer networks.


On Thu, 17 Jun 2004 15:51:16 -0400, MIKE TOLBERT
<mike.tolbert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Over the last two days we have received an increase in SPAM from Taiwan,
> it has since moved to Latin America.
>  The emails contain:
>  MAIL From: <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>    and other names
>  Subject:  (high bit characters)
>  Body of the email contains Base64 encoding.
>  All originating from a .tw domain.
>  It looks like it has spread origins now to come from Latin America this
> after noon.
> Mike Tolbert
> Long and Foster
> Network Security Administrator
> (703) 359-1878
> _______________________________________________
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Mohit Muthanna [mohit (at) muthanna (uhuh) com]
"There are 10 types of people. Those who understand binary, and those
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