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Re: [Full-Disclosure] MS Anti Virus?

On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 15:53:45 PDT, Andre Ludwig <andre.ludwig@xxxxxxxxx>  said:

> Asked if that would hurt sales of competing products, such as Network
> Associates' McAfee and Symantec's Norton family of products, Nash said
> that Microsoft said that it would sell its anti-virus program as a
> separate product from Windows, rather than including it in Windows.

<paranoia mode=full>

I can see it now - there's an undocumented API (Gasp! Shock!) in Windows, which
interfaces from Windows to MS/AV.  The gotcha is that the next service pack or
hotfix from MS doesn't actually fix the problem - it's merely a data file that
Windows pipes out the API to MS/VA saying "Here's the hole, guard against

Then the ad campaign would start:  "MS/AV catches 100% of the known security
issues, while Symantec and McAffee only catch 75%...."

<paranoia mode=normal>

Naah.. They'd never use an undocumented API to benefit their product at the
expense of the competition, would they? ;)

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