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[Full-Disclosure] MS Anti Virus?

Ah, how soon they forget.  (Kids these days ...)

Heck, *I* forget.  Was it Windows 3.0 or 3.1?  Anyway, DOS 6.

And lo, Microsoft went forth unto the land, and spake unto the makers of
AV, and did say, who will give unto us their product for cheap, that we
may call it by our name, and all geeks may use of it, and bless our name.
And the makers of AV muttered amungst themselves, and said, and if we do
this, what shall it profit us?  And Microsoft spake unto them saying, are
ye not the makers of endless upgrades?  And shall ye not sell these
upgrades unto those who have need of them since all will have thine
product even though it be called by our name?

And lo, Central Point did underbid all the others.  And Microsoft did take
unto itself CPAV, and call it MSAV, and all those who purchased DOS 6 did
partake of it, and thought that it was good.  But none knew that they
needed to upgrade it.  And then came unto Microsoft and Central Point the
shame of the 14 bytes, and geeks despised them.  And Central Point was
cast into Gehenna, or Symantec, which is the same thing.

rslade@xxxxxxxxx      slade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx      rslade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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