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[Full-Disclosure] antivirus and spyware scanning

Hello Everyone,

I recently came across a linux based live-cd designed for virus scanning, 
disaster recover, network analysis, etc.


I think it is very useful to scan a windows machine from viruses while having 
that machine booted to linux.  This pretty much ensures that you will find all 
the virii on that system.

Does anyone know of a spyware scanner that can also work from within Linux?  I 
dis-like the idea of having to boot to windows just to scan the box for 
spyware.  One could argue that the harddrive could be put into another machine 
and scanned there, but what if your in an environment where that is just not 
possible (making housecalls, no unused machine, etc)?

Also, if you know of a better solution that this, I am always interested.


Lee Leahu                           RICIS, Inc.
Internet Technology Specialist      866-RICIS-77 Toll Free Voice (US)
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