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Re: [Full-Disclosure] linux kernel local crash seen on slashdot

yesterday some client were trying these exploits..freezing web
servers. also last month we faced similar problems after sctp_setsockopt() and 
mremap(2) system  vulnerabilities exploits were released. The frustration of 
these possible attacks and  even the headache of updating these kernels are  
mounting. Anyone suggest an easy solution to stop executing binary but also 
allowing the cgi-bin. 

On Monday 14 June 2004 08:38 pm, Skip Duckwall wrote:
> Looked through the archives here and didn't see this one yet..
> http://linuxreviews.org/news/2004-06-11_kernel_crash/index.html
> Alva Lease 'Skip' Duckwall IV
> skip at duckwall d0t net
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