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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Antivirus/Trojan/Spyware scanners DoS!
- To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Antivirus/Trojan/Spyware scanners DoS!
- From: bipin gautam <visitbipin@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 00:13:26 -0700 (PDT)
--- npguy <npguy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This comes when extracting module doesn't verify the
> intgerity of headers. The
> similar types of breaches were found in WinRAR. The
> quick
> approach to resolve is to verify the actual physical
> size of the compressed
> file against the headers info. WinRAR now takes
> similar approach.
Yap, my winrar advisory dates back to,
Sep 9 2003,
It has been 9 months, still... the AV companies that
call itself the worlds best [Macfee, symantec...etc]
seem to have problem coding the program logics. Is it
like, NAV isn't immune from this bug so BUGTRAQ guys
are having hegitation posting this agvisory?
* Winxp default zip manager just report the 12Gb zip
file to be 121 Mb!???
* Winrar [3.20] can show the size of .bz2 files and
winrar just report bipin.zip is 128 Mb but it start
filling up the hdd. to 12 Gb if you try to extract the
*If we try to extract the 12 Gb [Standalone] file in
Fat32 tries to extract the 12 Gb file and terminate
extraction after 4Gb [fat32 limit] I wounder, why in
the 1'st place would Winrar allow to extract a 4+ Gb
[single] file in Fat 32.
bipin gautam
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