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Re: [Full-Disclosure] MS web designers -- "What Security Initiative?"

On Sat, 12 Jun 2004, Nick FitzGerald wrote:
> The MS Security Initiative is an utter sham.

Good comments about continued web-cluelessness omitted.

> At the outset of the Security Initiative the skeptics largely said 
> "it's a marketing ploy", but its defenders said "it will take time for 
> the real results to be seen".  As the weeks turned into months and now 
> years and little has been seen to have improved (and some very public 
> things to have gone backwards), it seems increasingly that the skeptics 
> may have been right...

For years, Microsoft has had a policy of announcing products that don't
exist yet, to cause customers to stop buying a competitor's product.
That's Vapourware.

Is it really any shock that they would want to prevent customers from
using more robust OSs and tools, by offering Vapoursecurity?

David Maxwell, david@xxxxxxx|david@xxxxxxxxxxx -->
Any sufficiently advanced Common Sense will seem like magic... 
                                              - me

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