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Re: [Full-Disclosure] !! Internet Explorer !!

This has been addressed already in the list.  You could be infected with
anything at this point, and should run some kind of spyware removal
tool.  Please review the list archive for this week.

On Fri, 2004-06-11 at 10:35, Farrukh Hussain wrote:

> Hey,
>        Yesterday i was visitng web sites. so i felt my computer slow. and 
> that time i shutdown my computer and go somewhere. now today i restarted my 
> computer and when i open internet explorer i got Web Page. Which i didn't 
> SET. and now i am not able to write www.anydomain.com . when i type it gave 
> me error. and it is also opening Popup window advertise. and it has 2 files 
> in my windows directory. when i removed them it comes back again. So please 
> tell me,
> 1) what  is  it? 
> 2) how i can delete/remove it ?
> 3) how i got this thing ?
> 4) how to secure from this thing ?
> here is the 1 page from many pages in internet explorer.
> http://www.farukh.com/1.GIF
> Best Regards from,
> Farrukh Hussain.
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> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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