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Re: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Possible First Crypto Virus Definitely Discovered !

Actually, if anyone took the time to visit Mr. Balony's (sorry,
Bilano's) blog, they might just figure out that he is, in fact,
brilliantly funny.  This little experiment in social engineering has
been extremely humorous, and I have to say, says a lot about the
reactive nature of security folks in general.  Instead of seeing the
original post for what it was (bait for anal retentive security folks
who think they can solve every problem on the planet) they jumped to
criticize, humiliate, and otherwise make asses out of themselves with
their replies.  It really was brilliant.  I especially liked the
fictional character who got fired for opening the offensive 443 port. 
LOL.  great stuff.  Maybe the seriousness of the post was a bit too
much for most people to see through, but i thought it was funny.  I'm
not sure I want to see this kind of prank in FD regularly, but you
gotta admit it was funny.

Shawn Nunley, CISSP
Director, Technology Development
NetScaler, Inc.

On Wed, 09 Jun 2004 14:16:01 -0500, Paul Schmehl <pauls@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> --On Tuesday, June 08, 2004 11:51:29 AM -0500 "Billy B. Bilano"
> <mr.bill.bilano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Mike,
> >
> > I don't see anything funny about it! We could be looking at a virus the
> > likes of which we have never, ever seen before!
> >
> > Hackers and scripter kiddies are getting crazier by the day! It was only a
> > matter of time until one of them unleashed the powers of the crypto!
> >
> OK, the original post rated a 4 on a scale of 1-10.  This one rates a full
> scale troll alert.
> Paul Schmehl (pauls@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
> Adjunct Information Security Officer
> The University of Texas at Dallas
> AVIEN Founding Member
> http://www.utdallas.edu/ir/security/

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