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RE: [Full-Disclosure] Re: Cisco's stolen code


-----Original Message-----
From: Valdis.Kletnieks@xxxxxx
To: Benjamin Krueger
Cc: Mister Coffee; Tobias Weisserth; full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: 5/27/04 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Re: Cisco's stolen code 

On Wed, 26 May 2004 14:36:13 PDT, Benjamin Krueger said:

> A confidential, copyrighted, and incriminating document is leaked out
of a major institution
> and in to the hands of a journalism organization. The document is
intensely scrutinized by
> that organization and a few experts they bring in. They break the
story to the public along
> with the document.
> Is anyone liable for copyright violation? If so, who? Is there any
case law establishing a
> precedent for prosecuting the leaker and/or the journalists who broke
the story?

Google for "+scientology +copyright".

Change your requirement from 'confidential' to 'Top Secret' then
google for "pentagon papers".

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