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Re: [Full-Disclosure] not interesting irc log

securityguru@xxxxx wrote:
> Ok... to stop stupid replies before they are send - i know you don't give
> a shit about this conversation and LL`CoOL`J dude.... but who gives a shit 
> that you don't give a shit ? mcb posted link to this conversation on channel 
> and i've found it interesting enough to send to list. 
> 16:31 -!- LL`CoOl`J [~yy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #blackhat
> 16:34 -!- mode/#blackhat [+b *!*yy@*.tufs.ac.jp] by mcb
> 16:34 -!- LL`CoOl`J was kicked from #blackhat by mcb [lifeless packet
>           kid]
> 16:40 -!- mode/#hack [+oo adeiks LL`CoOl`J] by Austin
> 16:40 -!- mode/#hack [+b *!*mc@*.hack.pl] by LL`CoOl`J
> 16:40 -!- mcb was kicked from #hack by LL`CoOl`J [lifeless packet kid?]
>  ~yy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (poznan)
> 16:41 -!- Irssi: Starting query in poznan with LL`CoOl`J
> 16:41 <mcb> yes
> 16:41 <mcb> what ? it is not true ?
> 16:42 <LL`CoOl`J> ?
> 16:42 <LL`CoOl`J> you kb me, i kb you
> 16:42 <mcb> oh my... i'm not longer on lame-ass-ddos-kidz-chan
> 16:42 <mcb> damn
> 16:44 <LL`CoOl`J> damn? :D
> 16:45 <LL`CoOl`J> i'm not longer on
>                   lame-ass-ssh-password-bruta-force-crack-kids-chan
> 16:45 <mcb> you are not really smart aren't you ?
> 16:45 <LL`CoOl`J> yes. im not smart enought to crack password with
>                   brutaforce
> 16:46 <mcb> moreover
> 16:46 <mcb> you are retardet
> 16:46 <mcb> retarded
> 16:47 <LL`CoOl`J> (ddos = lame) thats only _your_ definition
> 16:47 <mcb> rotfl
> 16:47 <LL`CoOl`J> my opinion is you and your cracks are lame
> 16:48 <mcb> in your opinion ddos = leet ?
> 16:48 <mcb> what cracks ?
> 16:48 <LL`CoOl`J> no.
> 16:48 <mcb> so why are you ddosing ?
> 16:48 <mcb> if you consider yourself as l33t
> 16:48 <LL`CoOl`J> don't you remember when you ran ssh cracks?
> 16:49 <mcb> no
> 16:49 <mcb> remind me
> 16:49 <LL`CoOl`J> and did i say i consider me as l33t?
> 16:50 <mcb> remind me
> 16:50 <mcb> when i ran ssh pwd cracker
> 16:50 <LL`CoOl`J> i don't remember
> 16:50 <mcb> hahaha
> 16:50 <mcb> wtf
> 16:50 <mcb> you are an idiot
> 16:50 <LL`CoOl`J> tell me whats l33t?
> 16:50 <mcb> 16:48 <LL`CoOl`J> don't you remember when you ran ssh
> 16:50 <mcb>                   cracks?
> 16:51 <mcb> if you don't remember why you are saing this bullshit all
>             the time ?
> 16:51 <LL`CoOl`J> is that (being l33t) some aim for you?
> 16:51 <mcb> no
> 16:51 <mcb> and for you ?
> 16:52 <LL`CoOl`J> no, i don't even use that word l337/leet
> 16:52 <mcb> so what ? if i'm using word l33t that means i want to be
>             leet ?
> 16:52 <mcb> are you retarded
> 16:52 <mcb> if i say 'farmer' that means i want to have cows and ducks
>             ?
> 16:52 <mcb> lol
> 16:54 <LL`CoOl`J> "so why are you ddosing ? if you consider yourself
>                   as farmer" ?
> 16:56 <mcb> 16:47 <LL`CoOl`J> (ddos = lame) thats only _your_
>             definition
> 16:56 <mcb> so others definition must be 'ddos = elite'
> 16:56 <LL`CoOl`J> are you typical teen, who see world as black and
>                   white?
> 16:57 <LL`CoOl`J> everything must be lame or elite?
> 16:58 <mcb> you think that running massrooter coded by somebody else,
>             using exploits coded by somebody else and making DoS
>             network to takeover channels and ddos somebody who kicks
>             you out of channel is not lame
> 16:58 <mcb> ok... i'll tell it this way
> 16:58 <mcb> so others definition must be 'ddos > lame'
> 16:59 <mcb> ddos kidz like you are skill-less
> 16:59 <mcb> you can only run exploit coded by somebody else
> 16:59 <LL`CoOl`J> running massrooter coded by somebody else <- no i
>                   don't
> 16:59 <mcb> and the only usage of owned box is linking it to ddos
>             network
> 16:59 <LL`CoOl`J> using exploits coded by somebody <- no i don't
> 16:59 <LL`CoOl`J> making DoS network to takeover channels <- no i don't
> 16:59 <mcb> ahh.. c'mon
> 16:59 <mcb> vz
> 16:59 <mcb> you tookover #hack
> 17:00 <mcb> using ddos
> 17:01 <mcb> and i bet your ddos net was created by massrooting and
>             hax0ring with public exploits
> 17:01 <mcb> because if you would have skills to find vuln and exploit
>             it
> 17:01 <LL`CoOl`J> ahm you don't seem understand some facts
> 17:01 <LL`CoOl`J> a) i am not vz
> 17:01 <mcb> you wouldn't use it to make ddos net
> 17:01 <LL`CoOl`J> b) dossing few lame host doesn't need any kinda
>                   "ddos net".
> 17:02 <mcb> you are vz
> 17:02 <mcb> everybody knows that
> 17:02 <LL`CoOl`J> but if someone kick me, or take my channel, its ok
>                   to do some upload test to his host
> 17:03 <mcb> ad b) i have logs from whitehat.holocau.st - you dddos'ed
>             it from about 20-30 boxes. Thats ddos network
> 17:04 <mcb> 17:02 <LL`CoOl`J> but if someone kick me, or take my
>             channel, its ok
> 17:04 <mcb>                   to do some upload test to his host
> 17:04 <mcb> lol
> 17:04 <mcb> typical ddos kid
> 17:04 <mcb> lifeless kid
> 17:04 <mcb> irc is life for you
> 17:04 <mcb> you can't stand not beeing on #blackhat don't you ?
> 17:05 <LL`CoOl`J> its not. i don't give shit
> 17:05 <mcb> hahaha
> 17:05 <mcb> if you don't give a shit why are you takeovering channels
>             and ddosing ppl ?
> 17:05 <mcb> BECAUSE YOU GIVE A SHIT!
> 17:05 <LL`CoOl`J> homever , i could join another client to #blackhat
>                   any time
> 17:05 <mcb> what for ? i will ban it too
> 17:05 <LL`CoOl`J> and irc is life for you too
> 17:06 <mcb> for me ?
> 17:06 <mcb> why ?
> 17:06 <mcb> explain ?
> 17:06 <LL`CoOl`J> because you spend so much skills to hax0r ops for
>                   #hack etc..
> 17:06 <LL`CoOl`J> without using publicexploits of course (because
>                   thats lame)
> 17:08 <mcb> lol
> 17:08 <mcb> hax0r ops for #hack ?
> 17:08 <mcb> who did i hacked or tried to hack ?
> 17:08 <mcb> tell me
> 17:09 <LL`CoOl`J> dunno, but i heard You did takeover on #hack
> 17:09 <mcb> dunno ?!
> 17:09 <mcb> lol
> 17:10 <mcb> 2 minuts ago you said i'm hacking #hack ops
> 17:10 <mcb> and now you are telling me you don't know who ?
> 17:10 <mcb> isn't that bullshit talking ?
> 17:10 <LL`CoOl`J> i hear = i know
> 17:11 <mcb> so you know but you don't know ?
> 17:11 <mcb> lol
> 17:11 <mcb> you must be retarded
> 17:11 <mcb> and a little explanation for you: i didn't takeovered #hack
> 17:11 <mcb> i was op there
> 17:11 <mcb> and just kicked out some lamers
> 17:11 <mcb> like gorion
> 17:14 <LL`CoOl`J> sure
> 17:14 <mcb> so
> 17:14 <mcb> 17:10 <mcb> 2 minuts ago you said i'm hacking #hack ops
> 17:14 <mcb> 17:10 <mcb> and now you are telling me you don't know who ?
> 17:14 <mcb> 17:10 <mcb> isn't that bullshit talking ?
> 17:15 <mcb> ?
> 17:15 <mcb> you are not answering half of my questions
> 17:15 <LL`CoOl`J> i know what i hear
> 17:16 <mcb> answer my question
> 17:17 <LL`CoOl`J> maybe its bullshit talking? who cares, because this
>                   is just irc
> 17:17 <mcb> so you don't know if i hacked/tried to hack any of #hack
>             ops ?
> 17:17 <mcb> lol
> 17:17 <mcb> you are going to say 'who cares' every 5 minuts now to
>             prove that you don't care ?
> 17:17 <mcb> everybody know that irc is life for you
> 17:18 <LL`CoOl`J> yes, because
> 17:18 <LL`CoOl`J> you are getting too narrowminded
> 17:18 <LL`CoOl`J> too meticulous.
> 17:19 <mcb> :)
> 17:19 <mcb> because i want to know how kidz like you act
> 17:19 <mcb> what they think
> 17:19 <mcb> you know
> 17:19 <mcb> i'm going to write a book about you
> 17:20 <LL`CoOl`J> maybe write about yourself?
> 17:20 <mcb> autobiography ?
> 17:20 <mcb> nah
> 17:20 <mcb> ppl like to read about morons
> 17:20 <LL`CoOl`J> aren't you kid too.. or what?
> 17:20 <mcb> you are the best target for book than
> 17:22 <LL`CoOl`J> telll me, whats wrong with using massrooted to ceate
>                   ddosnet, for taking channels?
> 17:22 <LL`CoOl`J> you wannabe-real-hackers dislike it so much always
> 17:23 <mcb> wannabe-real-hackers ? who is real hacker ?
> 17:23 <mcb> am i hacker ?
> 17:23 <mcb> am i real or unreal ?
> 17:23 <mcb> you wanna know why we don't like ddosnet kidz like you ?
> 17:23 <mcb> because you want to be us
> 17:23 <mcb> and you have no skills
> 17:24 <LL`CoOl`J> how you know?
> 17:24 <mcb> but you are willing to be on 'hackers' channels
> 17:24 <mcb> so much
> 17:24 <mcb> that you are takeovering it
> 17:24 <LL`CoOl`J> atleast i know your channels and key. :-)
> 17:24 <LL`CoOl`J> i am not even on #hack
> 17:24 <LL`CoOl`J> just joined to kickban you
> 17:25 <LL`CoOl`J> -!-  channels : @#ankara #istanbul @#uptime.de
>                   +#jp-opers @#arnes @#xp @#buh @#warez.se @#arseee
>                   #shz @#virtualworld @#mb @#irclords
> 17:25 <LL`CoOl`J> which one of them is hacker channel?
> 17:25 <mcb> warez, blackhat, hack,
> 17:25 <mcb> also.. i'll tell you how your life looks like
> 17:25 <mcb> you are trying to do some exploit coding
> 17:25 <mcb> reading some papers
> 17:25 <mcb> but you don't understand a word
> 17:25 <LL`CoOl`J> i am only on #warez.se, and that really is not
>                   hacking channel
> 17:26 <mcb> people who do understand are laughing at you
> 17:26 <mcb> and you are getting angry
> 17:26 <mcb> so you are getting some massrooter
> 17:26 <mcb> from packetstorm
> 17:26 <LL`CoOl`J> how you know?
> 17:26 <mcb> running it
> 17:26 <mcb> making ddos network
> 17:26 <mcb> and packet people who know more than you
> 17:26 <mcb> because of your anger
> 17:26 <mcb> i know because i know many people like you
> 17:26 <mcb> ddos kidz
> 17:26 <mcb> in depression
> 17:27 <mcb> because they can't do anything useful
> 17:27 <mcb> because of their lameness
> 17:27 <LL`CoOl`J> sorry, but using ddos force doesn't tell anything
>                   about me
> 17:27 <mcb> and lack of skills
> 17:27 <LL`CoOl`J> why you think it would?
> 17:27 <LL`CoOl`J> wise people don't use force?
> 17:27 <mcb> of cource it does... ddosing everybody around is lame
> 17:27 <mcb> it is like kids in playground
> 17:28 <mcb> he have better toy so i'll kick his ass
> 17:28 <LL`CoOl`J> are you from poland?
> 17:28 <mcb> yes
> 17:28 <LL`CoOl`J> do you have wise politicans?
> 17:28 <mcb> not really
> 17:28 <mcb> they are stupid fucks
> 17:28 <LL`CoOl`J> or why they send troops to Iraq, for using force?
> 17:28 <LL`CoOl`J> i don't see any reason to avoid making ddos
> 17:29 <mcb> because you are an idiot
> 17:29 <mcb> and what the fuck have iraq and .pl politicans in common
>             with ddos kidz ?
> 17:29 <LL`CoOl`J> ok you are not. so tell me reasons
> 17:30 <LL`CoOl`J> sending troops to foreign country (for killing
>                   someone etc) is just like DDoS.
> 17:30 <mcb> lol
> 17:30 <mcb> LOL
> 17:30 <mcb> WTF
> 17:30 <LL`CoOl`J> 00:09 <mcb> LOL
> 17:30 <LL`CoOl`J> 00:09 <mcb> WTF
> 17:31 <mcb> dude
> 17:31 <LL`CoOl`J> i see that in Quakenet, 11 year kids playing
>                   counter-strike
> 17:31 <mcb> these troops are not send there to kill ppl
> 17:31 <LL`CoOl`J> they say LOL WTF" too
> 17:31 <mcb> but to keep peace
> 17:31 <LL`CoOl`J> anyway they do kill
> 17:31 <mcb> and kill only fuckers who kill civilans
> 17:31 <mcb> kill terrorists
> 17:31 <mcb> ddosing is like terrorism
> 17:31 <mcb> pointelss
> 17:32 <mcb> don't you think ddosing is more like terrorism ?
> 17:32 <mcb> hum ?
> 17:32 <mcb> dude
> 17:32 <LL`CoOl`J> sending tropp to foreign country IS terrorism
> 17:32 <mcb> no it is not
> 17:33 <LL`CoOl`J> whatever, could you now tell reasons why not ddos
> 17:33 <mcb> because it is terrorism
> 17:33 <LL`CoOl`J> of course you have tens of them, because you are so
>                   wise
> 17:33 <mcb> and you should be killed for ddosing
> 17:33 <mcb> also... maybe if you don't ddos you would have time to do
>             something useful
> 17:34 <mcb> also... maybe if you don't ddos ppl wouldn't consider you
>             as lame kid
> 17:34 <mcb> also... if you don't ddos i wouldn't have to make this
>             interview with you and send it to public mailing lists
> 17:35 <LL`CoOl`J> oh? should i care about others
> 17:35 <LL`CoOl`J> send it, i send too
> 17:36 <LL`CoOl`J> s/<mcb>/t3mp3/; s/<ll`cool`j>/<mcb>/; s/t3mp3/<mcb>/;
> 17:36 <LL`CoOl`J> now it looks bit different
> 17:36 <mcb> also.. ddos is lame cuz you don't need skills to make it,
>             and there is no useful usage of it
> 17:36 <mcb> lol
> 17:36 <mcb> hahaha
> 17:36 <LL`CoOl`J> aha
> 17:36 <LL`CoOl`J> everything what don't need skills, is lame?
> 17:36 <LL`CoOl`J> then ircing is lame too
> 17:36 <mcb> of cource it is
> 17:36 <LL`CoOl`J> almost everything is now lame
> 17:37 <mcb> now idiot
> 17:37 <mcb> -w
> 17:37 <mcb> everything what kidz consider as elite and does not
>             require skills is in fact lame
> 17:37 <mcb> got it ?
> 17:37 <LL`CoOl`J> how you know what i consider as elite?
> 17:38 <mcb> because i'm your father
> 17:39 <LL`CoOl`J> some guys think driving car is elite. but driving
>                   doesn't require skills -> driving is lame
> 17:39 <mcb> driving require skills
> 17:39 <LL`CoOl`J> so "don't touch car, idiot lame fuck"?
> 17:39 <mcb> more skills than making ddos network
> 17:39 <LL`CoOl`J> not much
> 17:39 <LL`CoOl`J> ddos requires more
> 17:39 <mcb> and we are talking about hacking realted stuff
> 17:39 <mcb> not car driving
> 17:39 <mcb> or ircing
> 17:39 <LL`CoOl`J> oh
> 17:39 <LL`CoOl`J> hacking?
> 17:39 <LL`CoOl`J> who cares shit about hacking?
> 17:40 <LL`CoOl`J> why i should prove anything?
> 17:40 <LL`CoOl`J> and then lost my creation
> 17:40 <mcb> because after this conversation you look like totally
>             brainless kid
> 17:41 <LL`CoOl`J> you too :)
> 17:41 <mcb> thank you for this interview, you can read it on FD soon
> 17:41 <mcb> of cource i don't give a fuck about interview authorization
> 17:41 <mcb> bye
> 17:41 <LL`CoOl`J> you too maybe ,, s/<mcb>/t3mp3/;
>                   s/<ll`cool`j>/<mcb>/; s/t3mp3/<mcb>/; :)
> 17:42 <mcb> i see you are scared because of that publication
> 17:43 <mcb> you want to make me looks like lame by chaing our nicks in
>             conversation
> 17:43 <mcb> lol
> 17:43 <mcb> that proves everything
> 17:43 <LL`CoOl`J> not really
> 17:43 <mcb> of cource it does
> 17:44 <mcb> "i'll change nicks in conversation so it will look like
>             you said everything i said in fact'
> 17:44 <mcb> "that will make you look so lame"
> 17:45 <mcb> hahaha
> 17:45 <mcb> rotfl
> 16:31 -!- LL`CoOl`J [~yy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #blackhat
> 16:34 -!- mode/#blackhat [+b *!*yy@*.tufs.ac.jp] by mcb
> 16:34 -!- LL`CoOl`J was kicked from #blackhat by mcb [lifeless packet kid]
> 16:40 -!- mode/#hack [+oo adeiks LL`CoOl`J] by Austin
> 16:40 -!- mode/#hack [+b *!*mc@*.hack.pl] by LL`CoOl`J
> 16:40 -!- mcb was kicked from #hack by LL`CoOl`J [lifeless packet kid?]
>  ~yy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (poznan)
> 16:41 -!- Irssi: Starting query in poznan with LL`CoOl`J
> 16:41 <mcb> yes
> 16:41 <mcb> what ? it is not true ?
> 16:42 <LL`CoOl`J> ?
> 16:42 <LL`CoOl`J> you kb me, i kb you
> 16:42 <mcb> oh my... i'm not longer on lame-ass-ddos-kidz-chan
> 16:42 <mcb> damn
> 16:44 <LL`CoOl`J> damn? :D
> 16:45 <LL`CoOl`J> i'm not longer on
>                   lame-ass-ssh-password-bruta-force-crack-kids-chan
> 16:45 <mcb> you are not really smart aren't you ?
> 16:45 <LL`CoOl`J> yes. im not smart enought to crack password with
>                   brutaforce
> 16:46 <mcb> moreover
> 16:46 <mcb> you are retardet
> 16:46 <mcb> retarded
> 16:47 <LL`CoOl`J> (ddos = lame) thats only _your_ definition
> 16:47 <mcb> rotfl
> 16:47 <LL`CoOl`J> my opinion is you and your cracks are lame
> 16:48 <mcb> in your opinion ddos = leet ?
> 16:48 <mcb> what cracks ?
> 16:48 <LL`CoOl`J> no.
> 16:48 <mcb> so why are you ddosing ?
> 16:48 <mcb> if you consider yourself as l33t
> 16:48 <LL`CoOl`J> don't you remember when you ran ssh cracks?
> 16:49 <mcb> no
> 16:49 <mcb> remind me
> 16:49 <LL`CoOl`J> and did i say i consider me as l33t?
> 16:50 <mcb> remind me
> 16:50 <mcb> when i ran ssh pwd cracker
> 16:50 <LL`CoOl`J> i don't remember
> 16:50 <mcb> hahaha
> 16:50 <mcb> wtf
> 16:50 <mcb> you are an idiot
> 16:50 <LL`CoOl`J> tell me whats l33t?
> 16:50 <mcb> 16:48 <LL`CoOl`J> don't you remember when you ran ssh
> 16:50 <mcb>                   cracks?
> 16:51 <mcb> if you don't remember why you are saing this bullshit all
>             the time ?
> 16:51 <LL`CoOl`J> is that (being l33t) some aim for you?
> 16:51 <mcb> no
> 16:51 <mcb> and for you ?
> 16:52 <LL`CoOl`J> no, i don't even use that word l337/leet
> 16:52 <mcb> so what ? if i'm using word l33t that means i want to be
>             leet ?
> 16:52 <mcb> are you retarded
> 16:52 <mcb> if i say 'farmer' that means i want to have cows and ducks
>             ?
> 16:52 <mcb> lol
> 16:54 <LL`CoOl`J> "so why are you ddosing ? if you consider yourself
>                   as farmer" ?
> 16:56 <mcb> 16:47 <LL`CoOl`J> (ddos = lame) thats only _your_
>             definition
> 16:56 <mcb> so others definition must be 'ddos = elite'
> 16:56 <LL`CoOl`J> are you typical teen, who see world as black and
>                   white?
> 16:57 <LL`CoOl`J> everything must be lame or elite?
> 16:58 <mcb> you think that running massrooter coded by somebody else,
>             using exploits coded by somebody else and making DoS
>             network to takeover channels and ddos somebody who kicks
>             you out of channel is not lame
> 16:58 <mcb> ok... i'll tell it this way
> 16:58 <mcb> so others definition must be 'ddos > lame'
> 16:59 <mcb> ddos kidz like you are skill-less
> 16:59 <mcb> you can only run exploit coded by somebody else
> 16:59 <LL`CoOl`J> running massrooter coded by somebody else <- no i
>                   don't
> 16:59 <mcb> and the only usage of owned box is linking it to ddos
>             network
> 16:59 <LL`CoOl`J> using exploits coded by somebody <- no i don't
> 16:59 <LL`CoOl`J> making DoS network to takeover channels <- no i don't
> 16:59 <mcb> ahh.. c'mon
> 16:59 <mcb> vz
> 16:59 <mcb> you tookover #hack
> 17:00 <mcb> using ddos
> 17:01 <mcb> and i bet your ddos net was created by massrooting and
>             hax0ring with public exploits
> 17:01 <mcb> because if you would have skills to find vuln and exploit
>             it
> 17:01 <LL`CoOl`J> ahm you don't seem understand some facts
> 17:01 <LL`CoOl`J> a) i am not vz
> 17:01 <mcb> you wouldn't use it to make ddos net
> 17:01 <LL`CoOl`J> b) dossing few lame host doesn't need any kinda
>                   "ddos net".
> 17:02 <mcb> you are vz
> 17:02 <mcb> everybody knows that
> 17:02 <LL`CoOl`J> but if someone kick me, or take my channel, its ok
>                   to do some upload test to his host
> 17:03 <mcb> ad b) i have logs from whitehat.holocau.st - you dddos'ed
>             it from about 20-30 boxes. Thats ddos network
> 17:04 <mcb> 17:02 <LL`CoOl`J> but if someone kick me, or take my
>             channel, its ok
> 17:04 <mcb>                   to do some upload test to his host
> 17:04 <mcb> lol
> 17:04 <mcb> typical ddos kid
> 17:04 <mcb> lifeless kid
> 17:04 <mcb> irc is life for you
> 17:04 <mcb> you can't stand not beeing on #blackhat don't you ?
> 17:05 <LL`CoOl`J> its not. i don't give shit
> 17:05 <mcb> hahaha
> 17:05 <mcb> if you don't give a shit why are you takeovering channels
>             and ddosing ppl ?
> 17:05 <mcb> BECAUSE YOU GIVE A SHIT!
> 17:05 <LL`CoOl`J> homever , i could join another client to #blackhat
>                   any time
> 17:05 <mcb> what for ? i will ban it too
> 17:05 <LL`CoOl`J> and irc is life for you too
> 17:06 <mcb> for me ?
> 17:06 <mcb> why ?
> 17:06 <mcb> explain ?
> 17:06 <LL`CoOl`J> because you spend so much skills to hax0r ops for
>                   #hack etc..
> 17:06 <LL`CoOl`J> without using publicexploits of course (because
>                   thats lame)
> 17:08 <mcb> lol
> 17:08 <mcb> hax0r ops for #hack ?
> 17:08 <mcb> who did i hacked or tried to hack ?
> 17:08 <mcb> tell me
> 17:09 <LL`CoOl`J> dunno, but i heard You did takeover on #hack
> 17:09 <mcb> dunno ?!
> 17:09 <mcb> lol
> 17:10 <mcb> 2 minuts ago you said i'm hacking #hack ops
> 17:10 <mcb> and now you are telling me you don't know who ?
> 17:10 <mcb> isn't that bullshit talking ?
> 17:10 <LL`CoOl`J> i hear = i know
> 17:11 <mcb> so you know but you don't know ?
> 17:11 <mcb> lol
> 17:11 <mcb> you must be retarded
> 17:11 <mcb> and a little explanation for you: i didn't takeovered #hack
> 17:11 <mcb> i was op there
> 17:11 <mcb> and just kicked out some lamers
> 17:11 <mcb> like gorion
> 17:14 <LL`CoOl`J> sure
> 17:14 <mcb> so
> 17:14 <mcb> 17:10 <mcb> 2 minuts ago you said i'm hacking #hack ops
> 17:14 <mcb> 17:10 <mcb> and now you are telling me you don't know who ?
> 17:14 <mcb> 17:10 <mcb> isn't that bullshit talking ?
> 17:15 <mcb> ?
> 17:15 <mcb> you are not answering half of my questions
> 17:15 <LL`CoOl`J> i know what i hear
> 17:16 <mcb> answer my question
> 17:17 <LL`CoOl`J> maybe its bullshit talking? who cares, because this
>                   is just irc
> 17:17 <mcb> so you don't know if i hacked/tried to hack any of #hack
>             ops ?
> 17:17 <mcb> lol
> 17:17 <mcb> you are going to say 'who cares' every 5 minuts now to
>             prove that you don't care ?
> 17:17 <mcb> everybody know that irc is life for you
> 17:18 <LL`CoOl`J> yes, because
> 17:18 <LL`CoOl`J> you are getting too narrowminded
> 17:18 <LL`CoOl`J> too meticulous.
> 17:19 <mcb> :)
> 17:19 <mcb> because i want to know how kidz like you act
> 17:19 <mcb> what they think
> 17:19 <mcb> you know
> 17:19 <mcb> i'm going to write a book about you
> 17:20 <LL`CoOl`J> maybe write about yourself?
> 17:20 <mcb> autobiography ?
> 17:20 <mcb> nah
> 17:20 <mcb> ppl like to read about morons
> 17:20 <LL`CoOl`J> aren't you kid too.. or what?
> 17:20 <mcb> you are the best target for book than
> 17:22 <LL`CoOl`J> telll me, whats wrong with using massrooted to ceate
>                   ddosnet, for taking channels?
> 17:22 <LL`CoOl`J> you wannabe-real-hackers dislike it so much always
> 17:23 <mcb> wannabe-real-hackers ? who is real hacker ?
> 17:23 <mcb> am i hacker ?
> 17:23 <mcb> am i real or unreal ?
> 17:23 <mcb> you wanna know why we don't like ddosnet kidz like you ?
> 17:23 <mcb> because you want to be us
> 17:23 <mcb> and you have no skills
> 17:24 <LL`CoOl`J> how you know?
> 17:24 <mcb> but you are willing to be on 'hackers' channels
> 17:24 <mcb> so much
> 17:24 <mcb> that you are takeovering it
> 17:24 <LL`CoOl`J> atleast i know your channels and key. :-)
> 17:24 <LL`CoOl`J> i am not even on #hack
> 17:24 <LL`CoOl`J> just joined to kickban you
> 17:25 <LL`CoOl`J> -!-  channels : @#ankara #istanbul @#uptime.de
>                   +#jp-opers @#arnes @#xp @#buh @#warez.se @#arseee
>                   #shz @#virtualworld @#mb @#irclords
> 17:25 <LL`CoOl`J> which one of them is hacker channel?
> 17:25 <mcb> warez, blackhat, hack,
> 17:25 <mcb> also.. i'll tell you how your life looks like
> 17:25 <mcb> you are trying to do some exploit coding
> 17:25 <mcb> reading some papers
> 17:25 <mcb> but you don't understand a word
> 17:25 <LL`CoOl`J> i am only on #warez.se, and that really is not
>                   hacking channel
> 17:26 <mcb> people who do understand are laughing at you
> 17:26 <mcb> and you are getting angry
> 17:26 <mcb> so you are getting some massrooter
> 17:26 <mcb> from packetstorm
> 17:26 <LL`CoOl`J> how you know?
> 17:26 <mcb> running it
> 17:26 <mcb> making ddos network
> 17:26 <mcb> and packet people who know more than you
> 17:26 <mcb> because of your anger
> 17:26 <mcb> i know because i know many people like you
> 17:26 <mcb> ddos kidz
> 17:26 <mcb> in depression
> 17:27 <mcb> because they can't do anything useful
> 17:27 <mcb> because of their lameness
> 17:27 <LL`CoOl`J> sorry, but using ddos force doesn't tell anything
>                   about me
> 17:27 <mcb> and lack of skills
> 17:27 <LL`CoOl`J> why you think it would?
> 17:27 <LL`CoOl`J> wise people don't use force?
> 17:27 <mcb> of cource it does... ddosing everybody around is lame
> 17:27 <mcb> it is like kids in playground
> 17:28 <mcb> he have better toy so i'll kick his ass
> 17:28 <LL`CoOl`J> are you from poland?
> 17:28 <mcb> yes
> 17:28 <LL`CoOl`J> do you have wise politicans?
> 17:28 <mcb> not really
> 17:28 <mcb> they are stupid fucks
> 17:28 <LL`CoOl`J> or why they send troops to Iraq, for using force?
> 17:28 <LL`CoOl`J> i don't see any reason to avoid making ddos
> 17:29 <mcb> because you are an idiot
> 17:29 <mcb> and what the fuck have iraq and .pl politicans in common
>             with ddos kidz ?
> 17:29 <LL`CoOl`J> ok you are not. so tell me reasons
> 17:30 <LL`CoOl`J> sending troops to foreign country (for killing
>                   someone etc) is just like DDoS.
> 17:30 <mcb> lol
> 17:30 <mcb> LOL
> 17:30 <mcb> WTF
> 17:30 <LL`CoOl`J> 00:09 <mcb> LOL
> 17:30 <LL`CoOl`J> 00:09 <mcb> WTF
> 17:31 <mcb> dude
> 17:31 <LL`CoOl`J> i see that in Quakenet, 11 year kids playing
>                   counter-strike
> 17:31 <mcb> these troops are not send there to kill ppl
> 17:31 <LL`CoOl`J> they say LOL WTF" too
> 17:31 <mcb> but to keep peace
> 17:31 <LL`CoOl`J> anyway they do kill
> 17:31 <mcb> and kill only fuckers who kill civilans
> 17:31 <mcb> kill terrorists
> 17:31 <mcb> ddosing is like terrorism
> 17:31 <mcb> pointelss
> 17:32 <mcb> don't you think ddosing is more like terrorism ?
> 17:32 <mcb> hum ?
> 17:32 <mcb> dude
> 17:32 <LL`CoOl`J> sending tropp to foreign country IS terrorism
> 17:32 <mcb> no it is not
> 17:33 <LL`CoOl`J> whatever, could you now tell reasons why not ddos
> 17:33 <mcb> because it is terrorism
> 17:33 <LL`CoOl`J> of course you have tens of them, because you are so
>                   wise
> 17:33 <mcb> and you should be killed for ddosing
> 17:33 <mcb> also... maybe if you don't ddos you would have time to do
>             something useful
> 17:34 <mcb> also... maybe if you don't ddos ppl wouldn't consider you
>             as lame kid
> 17:34 <mcb> also... if you don't ddos i wouldn't have to make this
>             interview with you and send it to public mailing lists
> 17:35 <LL`CoOl`J> oh? should i care about others
> 17:35 <LL`CoOl`J> send it, i send too
> 17:36 <LL`CoOl`J> s/<mcb>/t3mp3/; s/<ll`cool`j>/<mcb>/; s/t3mp3/<mcb>/;
> 17:36 <LL`CoOl`J> now it looks bit different
> 17:36 <mcb> also.. ddos is lame cuz you don't need skills to make it,
>             and there is no useful usage of it
> 17:36 <mcb> lol
> 17:36 <mcb> hahaha
> 17:36 <LL`CoOl`J> aha
> 17:36 <LL`CoOl`J> everything what don't need skills, is lame?
> 17:36 <LL`CoOl`J> then ircing is lame too
> 17:36 <mcb> of cource it is
> 17:36 <LL`CoOl`J> almost everything is now lame
> 17:37 <mcb> now idiot
> 17:37 <mcb> -w
> 17:37 <mcb> everything what kidz consider as elite and does not
>             require skills is in fact lame
> 17:37 <mcb> got it ?
> 17:37 <LL`CoOl`J> how you know what i consider as elite?
> 17:38 <mcb> because i'm your father
> 17:39 <LL`CoOl`J> some guys think driving car is elite. but driving
>                   doesn't require skills -> driving is lame
> 17:39 <mcb> driving require skills
> 17:39 <LL`CoOl`J> so "don't touch car, idiot lame fuck"?
> 17:39 <mcb> more skills than making ddos network
> 17:39 <LL`CoOl`J> not much
> 17:39 <LL`CoOl`J> ddos requires more
> 17:39 <mcb> and we are talking about hacking realted stuff
> 17:39 <mcb> not car driving
> 17:39 <mcb> or ircing
> 17:39 <LL`CoOl`J> oh
> 17:39 <LL`CoOl`J> hacking?
> 17:39 <LL`CoOl`J> who cares shit about hacking?
> 17:40 <LL`CoOl`J> why i should prove anything?
> 17:40 <LL`CoOl`J> and then lost my creation
> 17:40 <mcb> because after this conversation you look like totally
>             brainless kid
> 17:41 <LL`CoOl`J> you too :)
> 17:41 <mcb> thank you for this interview, you can read it on FD soon
> 17:41 <mcb> of cource i don't give a fuck about interview authorization
> 17:41 <mcb> bye
> 17:41 <LL`CoOl`J> you too maybe ,, s/<mcb>/t3mp3/;
>                   s/<ll`cool`j>/<mcb>/; s/t3mp3/<mcb>/; :)
> 17:42 <mcb> i see you are scared because of that publication
> 17:43 <mcb> you want to make me looks like lame by chaing our nicks in
>             conversation
> 17:43 <mcb> lol
> 17:43 <mcb> that proves everything
> 17:43 <LL`CoOl`J> not really
> 17:43 <mcb> of cource it does
> 17:44 <mcb> "i'll change nicks in conversation so it will look like
>             you said everything i said in fact'
> 17:44 <mcb> "that will make you look so lame"
> 17:45 <mcb> hahaha
> 17:45 <mcb> rotfl
> 17:47 <LL`CoOl`J> # cp irclogs/IRCnet/mcb.log mcb.txt
> 17:47 <LL`CoOl`J> # perl -i -pe 's/<mcb>/t3mp4/; s/<LL`CoOl`J>/<mcb>/;
>                   s/t3mp4/<LL`CoOl`J>/;' mcb.txt
> 17:47 <LL`CoOl`J> # tail mcb.txt
> 17:47 <LL`CoOl`J> 00:22 <LL`CoOl`J> i see you are scared because of
>                   that publication
> 17:47 <LL`CoOl`J> 00:22 <LL`CoOl`J> you want to make me looks like
>                   lame by chaing our nicks in conversation
> 17:47 <LL`CoOl`J> 00:22 <LL`CoOl`J> lol
> 17:47 <LL`CoOl`J> 00:22 <LL`CoOl`J> that proves everything
> 17:47 <LL`CoOl`J> 00:22 <mcb> not really
> 17:47 <LL`CoOl`J> 00:24 <LL`CoOl`J> of cource it does
> 17:47 <LL`CoOl`J> 00:24 <LL`CoOl`J> "i'll change nicks in conversation
>                   so it will look like you said everything i said in
>                   fact'
> 18:05 <LL`CoOl`J> 00:24 <LL`CoOl`J> "that will make you look so lame"
> 18:05 <LL`CoOl`J> 00:24 <LL`CoOl`J> hahaha
> 18:05 <LL`CoOl`J> 00:24 <LL`CoOl`J> rotfl
> 18:05 <LL`CoOl`J> :)
> 18:05 <LL`CoOl`J> # grep t3m mcb.txt
> 18:05 <LL`CoOl`J> 00:15 <mcb> s/<LL`CoOl`J>/t3mp3/;
>                   s/<ll`cool`j>/<mcb>/; s/t3mp3/<mcb>/;
> 18:05 <LL`CoOl`J> 00:21 <mcb> you too maybe ,, s/<LL`CoOl`J>/t3mp3/;
>                   s/<ll`cool`j>/<mcb>/; s/t3mp3/<mcb>/; :)
> 18:05 <LL`CoOl`J> so stop faking logs pls
> 18:06 <mcb> haha
> 18:06 <mcb> you are retarded
> 18:07 <mcb> you know that you look like idiot
> 18:07 <mcb> and that you are stupid kid
> 18:07 <mcb> so you are trying to make me looks like it now, by putting
>             your words into my mounth
> 18:07 <mcb> haha
> 18:08 -!- LL`CoOl`J [~yy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> 18:08 -!-  ircname  : xx
> 18:08 -!-  channels : #istanbul @#arnes @#virtualworld @#irclords
> 18:08 -!-  server   : irc.nara.wide.ad.jp [WIDE Project Nara NOC,
>                       Japan]
> 18:08 -!-  idle     : 0 days 0 hours 19 mins 11 secs [signon: Fri May
>                       21 11:15:03 2004]
> 18:08 -!- End of WHOIS
> 18:08 <LL`CoOl`J> why not?
> 18:10 <LL`CoOl`J> btw tell me why you have so much time to look after
>                   kiddies like me
> 18:10 <LL`CoOl`J> when you have life etc..
> 18:10 <LL`CoOl`J> its amazing you still have time to care about random
>                   kiddies
> 18:11 <mcb> because it is so much fun
> 18:11 <LL`CoOl`J> oh yes
> 18:11 <LL`CoOl`J> people have their own fun
> 18:11 <LL`CoOl`J> but you decide what fun is ok
> 18:11 <LL`CoOl`J> and what is lame
> 18:11 <LL`CoOl`J> of course..
> 18:12 <mcb> i didn't put my definition of lame to dictionary you idiot
> 18:12 <mcb> thats my definition
> 18:12 <mcb> i was just trying to discuss it with you
> 18:12 <mcb> because i'm really interested how you, kidz, are thinking
> 18:12 <mcb> btw
> 18:13 <mcb> you can read this conversation at
>             http://hack.pl/~mc/ll-cool-j.txt
> 18:13 <mcb> soon
> 18:13 <mcb> cuz it is still pending
> 18:13 <mcb> :)
> 18:13 <LL`CoOl`J> you can read this too.. bit later
> 18:14 <mcb> i don't have to read it dude, i'm getting part of this
>             conversation
> 18:14 <mcb> doh... you are so stupid
> 18:15 <LL`CoOl`J> http://coelang.tufs.ac.jp/mcb.txt ? :)
> 18:15 <LL`CoOl`J> i am so stupid
> 18:15 <LL`CoOl`J> and you wise
> 18:15 <LL`CoOl`J> but then; so what? what can you do?
> 18:15 <mcb> i can tell the world that you are stupid so that nobody
>             will want to talk with you and you will commit suicide ?
> 18:16 <mcb> then whole world will be happy cuz there will be one ddos
>             kid less
> 18:16 <mcb> thats worth one hour of talking
> 18:16 <mcb> anyway .. i'm off now
> 18:16 <mcb> nice talking to you
> 18:16 <mcb> get life
> 18:16 <mcb> etc
> 18:17 <LL`CoOl`J> you too
> Ok... so little bit of explanation if you saw 
> http://coelang.tufs.ac.jp/mcb.txt before this post.... his faked log is 
> incomplete, and he forgot that he pasted part of his /whois, which contains 
> channels he is in... 
who cares? nobody... shut up!


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