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RE: [Full-Disclosure] irc over ssl

Im in a situation very similar to yours. But I finally install linux in mi box, 
then vmware for linux (I pay my own license) and the M$ shit runing over it.
When my boss appear I put the vmware at fullscreen mode and nobody takes care 
of the change :)
Its a little bit bloat but better than infect my box with M$ products anyway.

-----Mensaje original-----
De: full-disclosure-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:full-disclosure-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]En nombre de Dave Howe
Enviado el: martes, 25 de mayo de 2004 10:59
Para: Email List: Full Disclosure
Asunto: Re: [Full-Disclosure] irc over ssl 

> Hmm.. so the company is hiring them as a "unix/cisco tech weenie"
> and then forcing them to use Windows?
*Sigh* you have given a name to my Ongoing Horror.

I am *forced* to use MS Office - Word, Excel and Outlook - on Windows.  My
job dutes are to look after the Solaris, HPUX, Compaq Tru64 and Cisco
kit - but still, my workstation is and must remain Spawn Of Microsoft.

Yes, I know, Crossover Office on linux - but I am not permitted to use
software that isn't free (and that took a *lot* of work) *or* for which
there is a licence document and purchase order reference in the office
safe (and my boss refuses to spring for a copy) - Plus I am under orders
not to run Linux at all (for such diverse reasons as "our licence
compliance checking package [aka Evil Spyware] doesn't run on it").

Yes, I know OpenOffice is there too - but that has been nixed. It still
isn't 100% compatable (particularly given my boss insists on doing the
master network diagrams using Excel drawing objects)

Still, I have cygwin and openssh on here - and vnc. that's something at

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