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Re: [Full-Disclosure] C# Web application security scanner
- To: ald2003@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] C# Web application security scanner
- From: Martin Mkrtchian <dotsecure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 10:05:52 -0700
Why would u want to start your company with someone elses code? Web
application scanner? Are you refering to something like APPSCAN type
thing or are you refering to VA Scanner type thing like Nessus. If you
are seeking for something like Nessus, then obviously the code is out
there, hire someone to customize it to your needs.
On Thu, 20 May 2004 10:08:26 +0530, Aditya, ALD [Aditya Lalit
Deshmukh] <aditya.deshmukh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > securityguru@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> >
> > >Can anyone give me the source code to a good web application
> > security scanner written
> > >in C# so I can start my own company? Drop me an email with a
> > link or code off of
> > >the list please.
> since u are starting your own company, i would be very happy to write one for
> u and share it with the list provided you pay me for doing this, wouldent u
> agree ?
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