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RE: [Full-Disclosure] Agobot author is a pacifist?

>What do other people think?

Other people think things like "why the fuck am I reading this?, I thought I 
signed up to a computer security list?"

Would anyone like a recipe for apple pie while I'm here?

Maybe a transcript or a classic fawlty towers episode?

yes, I know, and yes I'm going to subscribe to a moderated one. Very sorry for 
the noise.

-----Original Message-----
From: full-disclosure-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:full-disclosure-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Christopher
Sent: 18 May 2004 14:50
To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Agobot author is a pacifist?

I've spend some time with this topic.  Thinking about it, that is.  Here 
we are, in a "free" country.  Hypothetically, each of us, as a citizen 
needs to participate in the framework structure of our country.  As of 
now, the general citizen does that through taxes.  Officially, we still 
have a drafting system (although it's a nice government-supported sexist 
movement).  That drafting system is in place for "emergencies."

So, given that, we have to evaluate if the general citizen paying taxes 
is enough participation (admission, if you will) in order to live in 
this country.  Being someone who isn't exactly ready to grab a gun and 
kill some people who happen to be citizens of a political enemy of 
America, I tend to think that taxes should be enough :)

On the other hand, I do understand the need for a draft, as what is a 
country to do -- hypothetically -- if we had nobody left to fight for us?

It's a question that boils down to a lot of personal experience.  I 
guess I'd like to say that we should have a draft, I just hope that I'm 
never drafted.

Christopher Blume

Jos Osborne wrote:

>Hmmm...compulsory national service...what a cheap way of getting a labour 
>I'm mixed on my views on this - on the one hand having this labour force is a 
>good thing, and a younger me could have definately done with having some 
>discipline and structure, but then again reports of what used to happen here 
>when national service was compulsory make me nervous of the concept.
>What do other people think?

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