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Re: [Full-Disclosure] RE: Full-Disclosure MS Exchange message lost-so lets post how

* Lan Guy <rlanguy@xxxxxxxxxxx> (Thu, May 13, 2004 at 11:45:28AM +0300)
> I tried sending and email with a subjuct length of 255 chars (maxiumu) with 
Dude .. read the original email.
> Messages with long message ids (>189 bytes?)
we're talking about message ids, not subjects.

And I can confirm this problem exists on exchange 2003.

Currently listening to: Rainbow-Rockpalast 1977 (Disc 2)-02-Track02

        Gerhard,  <faliquid@xxxxxxxxx>   == The Acoustic Motorbiker ==  
   __O  You could thrust with a thrush if you fancy a climb,
 =`\<,  Or pork a few piglets if you have the time,
(=)/(=) A skinhead's pet cat if you don't mind a brawl,
        But the hedgepod can never be buggered at all.

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