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RE: [Full-Disclosure] Consistent browser crash on standard site?

Well, I see that it does some kind of script check to see if and what
version of Flash you have installed, so I am betting that the problem is
from your Flash plugin.  The page opens a popup with Flash navigation
inside it (very annoying).

 I tested on IE 6.0.2800.1106 with all patches installed on Win XP pro.
Also tested in Opera 7.23 and works fine as well, although I get some
scripting errors.

-----Original Message-----
From: axid3j1al axid3j1al [mailto:axid3j1al@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 9:02 PM
To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Full-Disclosure] Consistent browser crash on standard site?

Hey d000ds

Whats with this site?


or www.tvland.com/shows

It consistently crashes iexplore XP all patches installed.

Mozilla 1.7b is fine (of course)


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