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Re: [Full-Disclosure] UnixWare 7.1.3 Open UNIX 8.0.0 UnixWare 7.1.1 : apache multiple vulnerabilities, upgraded to apache-1.3.29

On Wednesday 05 May 2004 10:59, Oliver Kellermann wrote:
> Who the hell is still using SCO ???

Big corporates that invested a big amount of money during ninenties and 
are still using it for inside applications, database servers etc. The 
price to move to another solutions is too high (think about moving 1000 
servers to another OS) and they really don't care if there is a bug in 
apache because they probably don't use it.

Also this is not an Unixware problem but an apache one that affects many 
other OSes. And I've seen more linux kernel/userland advisories lately 
than unixware kernel/userland so Unixware it is not so bad at security 
even if it's dead de facto.


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