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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Few n00b questions about this phatbot thing

Hello Sean,

* Sean McAllister <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2004-05-05 16:56]:
> So, as I understand it, this Phatbot is a complex black-hat tool that's 
> used to create a "botnet"  of hacked computers that can be used for 
> DDOS, stealing passwords, credit cards, and a plethora of other things?  

yes like all the other famous worms does :)

> Has anyone ever found out who wrote it in the first place?

yes it was me ;-D
no at least not the majority of the users in the net :)
search the newsgroups and newsticker, for example slashdot.
regards nico
Nico Golde                | nico@xxxxxxxxx      | 310777820@ICQ | nion@xxxxxxx
http://www.ngolde.de      | GnuPG Key: http://www.ngolde.de/gpg/nico_golde.gpg
Fingerprint               | FF46 E565 5CC1 E2E5 3F69  C739 1D87 E549 7364 7CFF 
vim -c   ":%s/^/WhfgTNabgureRIvzSUnpxreT-Tavba/|:%s/[R-T]/ /Ig|:normal ggVGg?"

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