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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Michael Jäger/ITAmtBw/Rüstung/BMVg/DE ist außer Haus.

On Mon, 03 May 2004, Tobias Weisserth wrote:

> I really hate it when people reply to all. You receive mails twice and
> it is just plain rude in terms of "nettiquette". Another very stupid
> thing is to start a new thread by answering a mail from another thread.
> Very many people do that on this list. It just sucks. It almost makes
> sorting mails in the better EMail-Readers (like Evolution) an obsolete
> feature.

And there are also people who reply to a message, but their email client
does not write the "In-Reply-To:" header, so the mail appears in a
new thread.

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