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[Full-Disclosure] viruses welcome, one and all


My apologies for offending your sensibilities. While my initial tone may
have sounded carpish, no form of insult was intended. Being new to the
list I was unfamiliar with the level of script-kiddy viruses being
thrown about. I was simply taken aback for a moment. Clearly, few of us
have much to fear from such rot, and careful consideration of your
responses leads me to agree with your philosophy on the matter. 

p.s. I would have included the complete headers had I not already sent
them the way of /dev/null. My mistake.



John Lalla
Santa Barbara, CA

                 .~.     _
                 /v\    -o)
no gates...     /( )\   /\\     running GNU/Linux
  no windows!   ^^^^^  _\_v        free at last!

"Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much we
think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . . "

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