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Re: [Full-Disclosure] THCIISSLame exploit
- To: Feher Tamas <etomcat@xxxxxxxxxxx>, full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] THCIISSLame exploit
- From: Will Image <xillwillx@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 13:32:13 -0700 (PDT)
tamas you hungry?
eat a dick.
--- Feher Tamas <etomcat@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> >just wanna point out a small release.
> >it's a remote root for the latest IIS 5 SSL pct
> bug.
> >enjoy, johnny cyberpunk/thc
> A., Kaspersky AV added detection within two hours,
> so it is probably
> considered dangerous.
> B., Because you provided a ready-made executable
> version of the root
> exloit for download, you are a VXer criminal.
> Microsoft has already
> asked the germans to send in GSG-9. When the
> doorchime rings, first
> place your finger over the peeking hole. If it is
> not shot away
> immediately, you may open the door.
> Owing to the new extradiction treaty between Germany
> and Saudi
> Arabia, VXers are subject to cruel and harsh
> punishment. You can
> choose severing the left or the right arm.
> Recidivists will obviously need
> a voice-controlled computer pretty soon.
> Regards, Tamas Feher.
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