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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Which worm?
- To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Which worm?
- From: "Hugh Mann" <hughmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2004 23:18:41 +0000
From: Wolfram Schroeder <ws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
2) The easiest way is to get a sample is to netcat -l -p 3127 > sample. The
port 3127 was the original MYDOOM-backdoor port. You have to remove the
first 5 bytes to get a working executable, I use vi for this. Many of the
samples you get with netcat are broken - complete samples seem to have
sizes > 99k, up to 150k, we're told. The largest one I got was 130k (may be
a broken version of the 150k sample), many others are 104k. AV-scanners
will sometimes identify the broken samples, sometimes not. My heuristics is
to look at the end of the file and see if there's a list of dll's. If not,
I consider it broken - does this make sense?
It's broken if it can't be loaded by Windows. What you should do is
double-click the worm and see if Windows can load it. If it can,
congratulations, you've got a working worm, if not, keep looking.
Or you can load the file in a debugger and if it works you shouldn't get any
errors. Then terminate the process (which hasn't started yet). If you want
to automate this you should write a simple PE tool that can check if all
bytes are present on disk.
3) The samples are compressed using various EXE-compressing tools. You can
learn about/download them at www.exetools.com. One sample I got (the 130k
sample) has been compressed using exe32pack (writes this info into the
executable), another one (99k) using UPX (has section names UPX0, UPX1
etc). the next one (104k) is compessed using an unknown tool or by an
handwritten tool. The exe32pack-packed sample expands to over 400k, the
UPX-sample to roughly 300k code. This is huge, for a worm.
The reason for this is that a script kiddie usually doesn't know that a
bigger file is slower to upload. When he/she realizes that, he/she will
usually send smaller files.
These compessors often destroy information helpful with disassembling, with
the notable exception of UPX. If you want to have an easy to disassemble
sample I suggest you wait for the UPX-Version.
I hope AV companies don't follow your advice.
You can discern it by loading it into vi and look for UPX0, or download
upx.exe and run upx -t virussample. You decompess it using the -d switch.
Another question: Is there a quick way to find out which tool compressed an
executable? A tool maybe?
PEiD is popular.
4) When you have an unpacked version, you can go and look for the strings
in the executable. The authors were helpful enough to include help texts. I
have the theory that you should be able to get the
host/channel/username/password for the relevant IRC-Channels from the
executable or a network sniffer, log in using an IRC-Client and execute
bot.die. Didn't try it, though.
Most of these IRC backdoors are generated automatically. When you've seen
one you've seen 'em all.
=>>> Final question: Is there a forum for worm-disassembling wannabes? <<<=
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