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Re: [Full-Disclosure] SMTP Encryption (S/MIME) for Outlook question

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In the wise words of Crist J. Clark, on Wednesday 31 March 2004 03:39:

[SNIP pertinent comments]
Not much to add to the S/MIME part: while email clients are generally 
rather user-friendly, the casual user will get lost as soon as you 
mention "X.509", "public key" or "private key". And managing CRL's is 
no piece of cake either.

> To encypt the individual messages? You need, or maybe the people
> laying this on you, need to think about this a bit more. For good
> encryption you need two things: an eavsedropper cannot easily recover
> the clear text and (people sometimes forget this part) the recipient
> CAN easily recover the plain text.
Often you'll need one more thing: the ability for management to recover 
the plaintext of an encrypted message. Key escrow, in a word. I don't 
want to start an argument about whether it's a good idea or not, but 
face it, it's a requirement in most medium to large companies.

[SNIP other pertinent comments]



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Lionel Ferette
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