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RE: [Full-Disclosure] strange traffic ?

> Dear list,
> i am seeing strange traffic ... first something connects to 
> 139 on windows workstation ... 2 packets causes the svchost to crash.
> and then i start seeing traffic to port 4444 from the same ip.

Sounds like a lovesan variation or some RPC-exploit. Are you sure port 139
is used and not 135??
> what is this traffic i am seeing ? any new kind of malware 
> trying to open of port 4444 with the initial vector of 
> infection on port 139 ?

Ever tried to netcat to port 4444 on this machine?

> the machine is fully patched and protected by firewall from 
> outside world with a sniffer logging all the data ie scr, dst 
> ip and ports numbers ( this is how i know the above info ) 
Well then, the attacker must be in you local lan. Please provide more
information / logfiles

Marco Ellmann

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