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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Re: viruses being sent to this list

On Wed, 24 Mar 2004 17:26:36 EST, Jason Freidman 
<jason.full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxx>  said:
> The frequency of these compared to regular virus emails makes it seem that 
> some viruses actively target these type of addresses.

That's only because only 23 people or so had your e-mail address on their disks
(until you posted that, anyhow ;), so you don't see spewage from a virus until
one of those 23 gets nailed.

On the other hand, there's probably more like 2,300 people on the freshmen-2007
list, which means 100 times the chance that one of them will get nailed and
then find the list's address on the victim's disk for scraping.

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