If you want to really enjoy the pleasure of idiot false-positives from weak virus-scanners, just use this as your .sig, or better yet bodge it into a header: X5O!P%@AP[4\\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}\$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!\$H+H* I did that for a good while, turned up no false positives from folks whose software was clueful, and I have to say surprisingly few in any case. False-positiving on sig-matches in normal text bodies is just plain rare. He says. Now I'll probably be mowed down for this post:-). -Bennett P.S. In case anybody cares, the above cryptic voodoo is the EICAR test pattern, presented as a distinct file it comes up positive in all virus scanners.
Description: PGP signature