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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Gentoo versioning [was: [ GLSA 200403-02 ] Linux kernel do_mremap local privilege escalation vulnerability]

Hello Marcin,

Am Mi, den 24.03.2004 schrieb Marcin Owsiany um 19:00:
> On Sat, Mar 06, 2004 at 11:40:27PM +0000, Tim Yamin wrote:
> ...

You probably should ignore this announcement since it already had been
posted on this list but reappeared a second time. I'm experiencing this
problem with a lot of mails from fd that seem to be somehow duplicated,
sometimes with a lag between duplicates.

> I don't know Gentoo, but could someone describe the reason for this
> note? It seems something is very broken. Does that mean that version
> string does not uniquely identify a version of package?

A package/ebuild is identified by the version uniquely. If there's no
typo I can't see what should be broken. Take a look at
packages.gentoo.org to find out more about individual ebuilds in the
Portage tree.


   ____  _____
  |  _ \| ____| Tobias Weisserth
  | | | |  _|   tobias@weisserth.[de|com|net|org]
 _| |_| | |___  http://www.weisserth.org
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