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Re: [Full-Disclosure] viruses being sent to this list

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| How would you filter against off-list addresses that are obviously
| spoofed?  Limit the list's traffic to members only?

List traffic _is_ limited to members only, the rest goes into moderation.

What did you think we were talking about?

Anyway, as much as I "like" correcting blunt mistakes, which obvious
come from people not reading before the answer (not you specifically),
the list managers asked for any further comments to come to them
privately.. so.. I am done.

Prayers answered? At least my email-flood was not a flame, or a moronic
"MS sucks" thread.

So I stood up to kiddies, quite uselessly and with little hope of
success, and aside for having some serious people consider the situation
and to a level, act on it (as it is serious, make no mistake), it was
still just as bad as any "MS sucks" thread. I must admit that to myself.

I also learned a bit about human nature.. how people make a??es out of
themselves by reacting impulsively to emails, and how I should learn how
to give them space before contradicting them.

I learned this about myself a while back, and strived (sp? grammar?) to
correct it, now I learned it about others (about time too).

        Gadi Evron.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (MingW32)


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