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RE: [Full-Disclosure] viruses being sent to this list

Actually, I am really glad of this thread.

Its evidence that something between me and the list
is filtering out viruses.

My ISP *swears* that it isn't them.

I have seen evidence of this sort of thing elsewhere;
email attachments that vanish without a trace. 
You'd expect maybe large attachments to bounce, maybe get
silently dropped. But what about when you get an email that
is supposed to have an attachment and it doesn't?

Or when you see an email thats incomplete; part of the
*text* of the body has somehow gotten 'lost' in transmission.
(This was seen in email including C sourcecode from this list.
The mail piece I received differed from the one in the list archive;
somehow the sourcecode had gone missing).

ASCII armored PGP encrypted message bodies (not an attachment)
apparently cut right out of emails sometimes with some trash 
left over (like the --- BEGIN PGP MESSAGE --- but no message
following it).
(A clients pgp encrypted email started 'vanishing' or turning up
'distorted' or 'damaged'. Turned out to be their ISP silently introducing 
rather draconian filtering).

I am all out of tin foil.

> Brad Griffin
> > > 
> > > What does this tell us? Virii are getting out via the list; whether 
> > > they are being transmitted inadvertently or deliberately is still open 
> > > to question...
> > > 
> Hi all
> I've ranted on this thread offline and on, and I still would 
> really like to know what the issue is? Viruses run rampant every day all over 
> the
> planet through countless lists, exchanges, newsgroup postings 
> etc. Some are deliberately pushed out by miscreants, while others are self
> propogated. Filter on the client side and fuggedaboudit maybe?

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