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Re: [Full-Disclosure] viruses being sent to this list

On Tue, 23 Mar 2004 Valdis.Kletnieks@xxxxxx wrote:

> > Someone said that they haven't seen any virus postings; you sure they
> > are not being dumped by your ISP?  They are *definitely* there.
> I know many get dumped by my mail server, which is why I went and checked the
> actual list archives, and I *still* didn't see any that the archives thought
> were from Gadi.  I went through looking for Subject: lines that looked virusy
> as well, and didn't spot any (although I admit I wasn't as thorough on that
> part).

I didn't say they claimed to have come from Gadi; I said they are there

Such as the one posted, just now, with a subject of "Hokki =)".

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-- Dave

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