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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Operating Systems Security, "Microsoft Security, baby steps"

Hallo Schmehl,

* Schmehl, Paul L <pauls@xxxxxxxxxxxx> [2004-03-19 14:51]:
> > Updating any OS is a pain in the ass, but all of them have 
> > flaws and need to be updated.  I find that at least with the 
> > UNIX-like ones, you can go on the Net and do your updates 
> > faster than you get rooted.
> This is foolish thinking.  Do you really think that, when a patch comes
> out, *then* the hackers start working on exploits?  The exploits were
> being used *long* before the patch comes out.  The only thing a patch
> gets you is protection against *future* hack attempts against *that*
> weakness.

and thats quite logic because noone writes a patch before he tested this
vulnerability for example with an exploit.
if the exploiter releases his exploit on public websites is another
regards nico
Nico Golde                | nico@xxxxxxxxx      | 310777820@ICQ | nion@xxxxxxx
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