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RE: [inbox] [Full-Disclosure] malware added in transit
- To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: RE: [inbox] [Full-Disclosure] malware added in transit
- From: Vincent.Maes@xxxxxxx
- Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 09:03:45 -0700
Paul wrote:
> Hi all, perhaps I'm way off-base but I've been under the impression
that malware can be added
> to clean transmissions as they pass through infected nodes. Is this
What about modifying/building an application such as dsniff on steroids.
Direct all the gateway traffic through a (dsniff) compromised system,
then watch for the target traffic and perform a disassemble/reassemble
with malware included. You could fragment the target traffic to insert
larger amounts of malware; and, by looking for the file-type headers,
proceed to target specific content. As others have said, there is
nothing available (in script kiddie format) to do this, yet. But there
are tools that can perform each of the require functions (WinPcap,
ngrep, libpcap) You just have to put them together.
Here's some more detail:
> Maybe by 2104...
Is it that time already? ;)
Vince Maes
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