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[Full-Disclosure] Why Microsoft Hotmail.com runs on U**x?
- To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [Full-Disclosure] Why Microsoft Hotmail.com runs on U**x?
- From: Vizzy <vizzy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 13:33:36 +0000
hiho full-disclosure!
> Microsoft Hotmail still runs on U**x
> By Andrew Orlowski
> Posted: 12/12/2001 at 13:51 GMT
> Microsoft admits it still hasn't upgraded its Hotmail system to
> Windows, almost four years after embarking on the task, and fifteen
> months after the first load balancing machines began to be shifted
> to Windows 2000 from FreeBSD.
> The snippet emerged in the latest pissing contest between Oracle and
> Microsoft, the details of which are too boring to go into here,
> because you've heard them so many times before.
> But a Microsoft spokesperson told Reuters yesterday that Hotmail is
> the only Microsoft system that runs on U**x, and that the migration
> is still in progress. A check with Netcraft shows that Hotmail's
> front edge servers do indeed run Windows 2000, so Microsoft can
> faithfully claim that the "web site runs Windows", as it did
> yesterday. But the infrastructure is still stored on BSD kit. How
> much we're not sure, but when we receive hard numbers, we'll tell
> you.
Year 2004.
There are *still* only Hotmail's front edge servers runing
Windows 2K. The rest of infrastructure, like:
all on unix.
So why the Giant believes Windows is not suitable for some tasks but
trys to convince world in the same time to use Win for all server
needs (under such heavy marketing)??
have phun,
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