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Re: [Full-Disclosure] a secure base system

Hallo harry,

* harry <Rik.Bobbaers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2004-03-15 15:14]:
> - use debian testing (stable is too old, unstable is ... well... you 
> know ;))

yes, unstable works well :)
with testing your system isn't secure.

> - maybe allow ssh (no root logins)?

you can use ssh. a remote root shell have to be forbidden.

> ==> is this ok, too paranoia or is there somenting i'm missing, and 
> cound it be even more safe?

> how about a compiler? normally, all soft on it is compiled by hand, but 
> it is also "necessary" for a local exploit.
> any ideas? remarks?

i don't understand the question.
regards nico
Nico Golde                | nico@xxxxxxxxx      | 310777820@ICQ | nion@xxxxxxx
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