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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Re: Norton AntiVirus 2002 fails to scan files with ... [2'nd... UPDATED]

> >
> Hi,
> Your statement is a bit unclear to me. The systems
> you performed the 
> tests on, were those fully patched versions of NAV
> 2002? So, does this 
> vulnerability still work on fully patched systems or
> did Symantec patch 
> it? Do you know if they ever released an advisory
> about it or did they 
> patch it silently.
> Regards,
> Erwin
well... as i released the bug to  1 year ago, i am
sure they silently patched the bug.... I tested the
issue with nav 2003 but it didn't worked..... IT DOES
WORK ON NAV 2002. nav manual scan doesn't crash while
preforming a manual scan on fully patched NAV 2002! I
posted the issue to some discussion's fourms 1 year
ago, 100% people out there reported it did worked.

you can get the advisory on...



I even got a email responce from david ahemad
[da@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ] about a year ago... they are
testing the issue AND THEY WANT SOME TIME before it
goes to the bugtraq list! but then....... i got NO

[proof of... 1 year ago i released the issue...]



here is the email from symantec...
From :  Dave Ahmad <da@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent :  10 January 2003 21:45:34 
To :  Bipin Gautam <visitbipin@xxxxxxxxxxx> 
Subject :  Re: i found a bug in NORTON ANTIVIRUS FOR
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Hi Bipin,

Do you mind if we verify this before it goes out over
the list?

David Mirza Ahmad

8D 9A B1 33 82 3D B3 D0 40 EB  AB F0 1E 67 C6 1A 26 00
57 12

On 10 Jan 2003, Bipin Gautam wrote:

>  think after testing this with 3 other pc's i think
i have found a bud in
> product ./// NAV 2002 for winxp

what do you say???

NAV IS ...........


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