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::SPAM:: Re[2]: [Full-Disclosure] ASN.1 telephony critical infrastructure warning - VOIP

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Content preview:  Dear Florian Weimer, It's different thing. Any
  infrastructure based on Windows is under risk. But it's not because
  VoIP uses ASN.1. --Wednesday, February 18, 2004, 12:32:10 AM, you wrote
  to 3APA3A@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: [...] 

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 pts rule name              description
---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
 1.9 FROM_NO_LOWER          'From' has no lower-case characters
 0.3 FROM_HAS_MIXED_NUMS    From: contains numbers mixed in with letters
 1.5 BODY_8BITS             BODY: Body includes 8 consecutive 8-bit characters
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--- Begin Message ---
Dear Florian Weimer,

It's different thing. Any infrastructure based on Windows is under risk.
But it's not because VoIP uses ASN.1.

--Wednesday, February 18, 2004, 12:32:10 AM, you wrote to 

FW> 3APA3A wrote:

>> ASN.1  is  used  by  many  services,  but  all  use different underlying
>> protocols.  It's  not  likely  NetMeeting or MS ISA server to be primary
>> attack  targets.  Attack  against  MS  IPSec  implementation,  Exchange,
>> SMB/CIFS, RPC services, IIS and specially IE will no have impact to VoIP
>> infrastructure  (except  connectivity  degradation  because  of  massive
>> traffic).

FW> I wish your assessment were true, but it's not.  Cisco Call Manager is
FW> based on Windows, and Cisco still has to certify the patches Microsoft
FW> released.

FW> It's sad that Microsoft apparently hasn't used those six months to
FW> properly coordinate the issue with OEM vendors.

Ну а теперь, Уильям, хорошенько поразмыслите над данным письмом. (Твен)

--- End Message ---