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[Full-Disclosure] Re: Norton AntiVirus 2002 fails to scan files with ... [2'nd... UPDATED]


>Symantec engineers did test both issues against
current Symantec AntiVirus 
>products.  The results of our testing shows that
currently supported and 
>up-to-date versions of Symantec AntiVirus products,
to include Symantec 
>Norton AntiVirus 2002, fully protect our customers
against either of these 

...well, i did successfully tested the bug in few
systems! I reported this issue to symantic a year ago!
ABOUT THAT TIME; i posted this bug information to some
public discussion fourms as well....... PEOPLE IN THE
FOURM DID REPORTED; the bypassed NAV protection using
the trick........ and it still works successfully for
MOST* systems!!!

seems like symantic first..... gives a hint!!! HAY
BANG!!! n' later after 7 days babbles..... we were
unable to reproduce the BUG!!!



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