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RE: [Full-Disclosure] Meth and hacking?[Scanned]

Don't I feel silly now :-)

On Ecstacy and acid I just stared at screensavers. Man oh man Jamie Zawinski
has a lot to answer for... :)

Jamie Zawinski ( http://www.jwz.org/ ) lives and works in San Francisco
where he owns the  http://www.dnalounge.com/ and it just so happens that
Screen Savers is produced in San Francisco.

Because I was drunk when reading the post I misread "stared" as "started" I
put 2 and 2 together to make 5 :-( but just goes to prove my comment on the
old drugs :-)

James Saveker

"The only thing which helps me maintain my slender grip on reality is the
friendship I share with my collection of singing potatoes..."

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-----Original Message-----
From: r C [mailto:neuralinferno@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: 11 March 2004 22:43
To: James P. Saveker
Subject: RE: [Full-Disclosure] Meth and hacking?[Scanned]

James im sure he was referring to uh... a screensaver you know the little
programs we used to use so images didn't burn into our displays. Now we
really don't use them for any other reason... except maybe some of them look
--- "James P. Saveker" <james@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> [snip]
> On Ecstacy and acid I just stared at screensavers.
> [/snip]
> Assuming you are referring to that television show "ScreenSavers" then 
> that would explain many things regarding the show.
> I cant see the appeal in illegal drugs, ciggy's and red wine have 
> always satisfied me.  Frankly being high on any drug must impair 
> performance rather than enhance it.  I had to adjust the password 
> policy on my domain account to allow for more than five invalid 
> attempts as I would repeatedly lock myself out after a few bottles of 
> wine.
> James Saveker
> www.wetgoat.net
> "The only thing which helps me maintain my slender grip on reality is 
> the friendship I share with my collection of singing potatoes..."
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