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RE: [Full-Disclosure] Comcast using IPS to protect the Internet from their home user clients?

On Tue, 2004-03-09 at 23:17, Aditya, ALD [Aditya Lalit Deshmukh] wrote:
> if you are routing all your scans from a vpn and the vpn connections
> are encrypted as they always are then is impossible that the scan are
> triggering some kind of signatures. i think while they *might* have a
> ids installed and working, they also might be filtering based on the
> traffic thresholds ... 

Dear Aditya,

I am NOW routing the scans through a VPN so that they are not blocked by
Comcast. When I noticed that something was going on, I was scanning from
my Cable IP. Once I realized that something seems fishy, I started to
tunnel all attack traffic, with the reported results.


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