This company...
Is claiming to have the "first IT security solution that can both repel
hostile attacks on enterprise networks and accurately identify the malicious
attackers in order to plan and execute appropriate countermeasures ?
effectively fighting fire with fire."
Are these guys nuts? I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. I don't
want to promote them, but on the other hand this seems to be a topic
that should be discussed by information security professionals. If the
community as a whole thinks this is a good idea, then there should be
some type of standard agreed to by the masses of administrators that
will have to put up with the results of such a system.
Again, just thought this should be openly discussed and that we should
all be aware of it.
I even thought about posting thier white papers to my personal site in
an effort to stick to the 'discussion not promotion' agenda I have, but
then I don't want to get 'Couter-Attacked' now do I ;)