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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Backdoor not recognized by Kaspersky

Hehehe, encrypted is a big word. Especially for a zip file. The contents can 
most certainly be read. Also be email gateways and virusscanners. Passwords can 
be cracked. There are special tools that can extract the contact of a
password protected zip file without knowning the password. To cut is short, the 
information is "reshufled" or rather compressed but NOT encrypted at all!

I think eventrough e-mail is not intented as a file transfer utility. For the 
common people it is the only way they know how they can send some files to 
their friends and co-workers. So I do not think that we should block all
executables and compressed files by default.

Rather following the suggestion made to stop accepting mail from spoofed mail 
relays makes much more sense to me. If that solution is workable I think it 
could solve alot of problems related to spam.

my 2cts

"Aditya, ALD [Aditya Lalit Deshmukh]" wrote:

> > The zip's contents can
> > be seen without the password, just not unpacked...no cracking it required.
> now winrar has a option to encrypt file names with a password, me thinks 
> pkzip with the 64 bit compression also has that feature... how are we going 
> to deal with this ? by stopping all the compressed mail at the email gateway ?
> we do have one solutions: all the mail headers are spoofed so just stop 
> accepting mail from spoofed host, this should solve your spam problem also
> > You should be blocking executables by policy anyway, yes?
> that is always being done by the all the people in this day and age, only now 
> we seem to forget to add the compressed file format that are encrypted so 
> that their file contects cannot be seen ?
> -aditya
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