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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Virus Thread Netsky.D and Quick analysis

On Mon, 1 Mar 2004 15:10:41 +0100
"Helmut Hauser" <helmut_hauser@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Was signed by skoorpio@xxxxxxxxx

My system actually received a couple of messages addressed as from 

(OT, why do my messages arrive at the list several days after being sent?)

Tal Kelrich
PGP fingerprint: 3EDF FCC5 60BB 4729 AB2F  CAE6 FEC1 9AAC 12B9 AA69
Key Available at: http://www.hasturkun.com/pub.txt
If you try to please everyone, somebody is not going to like it.

Attachment: pgp00005.pgp
Description: PGP signature